My Books

special issue on “les blogs”

Ooh! Volume Volume 24/140 of the French journal RÈseaux: Communication, Technologie, SociÈtÈ is all about blogs. It’s naturally called Les Blogs and I’ve ordered a copy at the fairly exorbitant price of Ä39. Hope my French holds up!


On Friday we had a snack at Pingvinen, completely unprepared for the delight that awaited us. Until then, I had had no idea that traditional Norwegian fenalÂr (served with flatbr¯d, potato salad and a sprig of thyme) was the perfect bar food […]

links for 2007-04-22

MyDD :: de Vellis Strikes Again — This Time Against Paul Wolfowitz Phil de Vellis (the guy who did the Vote Different video) made a mashup mixing sitcom The Office and news footage about Paul Wolfowitz: The Bank. (tags: worldbank wolfowitz video […]

links for 2007-04-21

Fast Food: Ads vs. Reality “Each item was purchased, taken home, and photographed immediately.” Yuck. Doesn’t make you want to eat this stuff… (tags: fastfood photos health)

links for 2007-04-19

How Google Blogsearch ranks your Posts Alister Cameron goes through Google’s patent application for BlogSearch and teases out how they’ll be ranking blogs in the search – scanning links but also Google Reader stats and emails and chats. (tags: blogs search google) […]

facebook for grassroot politics

Facebook is now the 9th most popular website in Norway, and the group “Vi st¯tter Kadra” has 12,436 members, and there are more members every time I reload my browser. Kadra Yusef is a young Norwegian-Somalian woman who helped expose the way […]

World of Warcraft anthology sent to MIT Press!

We finished it! Last Friday, two days before the deadline, Hilde and I sent the whole World of Warcraft anthology off to MIT Press! And look, Hilde’s photo shows it was a really big wad of paper (oh, they got it electronically […]

links for 2007-04-18

Fizzy’s Second Life Screencasts by first year law students studying property law in Second Life. (tags: secondlife property law) Exmocare: For Family Care Goodness. A wristwatch that monitors “your loved one” and sends you an email or an SMS if there are […]

Barbara Ganley’s speaking here next week!

On Tuesday, April 24, at 14:15, Barbara Ganley is giving a guest lecture here at the University of Bergen. Barbara is the author of bgblogging, and has used blogs in her teaching of writing for several years with great success. She has […]