My Books

links for 2007-05-21

Swedes open first Second Life embassy | They won’t offer visas or passports but will explain how to get such documents in RL – I’ll be very surprised if they really have staff there at all, most places in SL are […]

chatty because i’ve no-one to talk to but you, dear readers

I woke at the crack of dawn again, of course, purposefully staying jetlagged as I’m going back to Norway this afternoon, and after reading in bed for a while had a most delicious breakfast at the Soda Club, a candy-themed cafÈ right […]


Yesterday was mostly people talking to us from the stage, something that Robert Scoble and Dave Winer complained about. I guess they weren’t at the Idea Market, a room with fifteen tables with people sitting round them talking about different topics. Or […]

links for 2007-05-19

PIRATE PARENTING: Capn Billy The Butcher MacDougalls Guide to Pirate Parenting: Why you should raise your kids as pirates and 101 tips on how to do it by Tim Bete “If you’re like most parents, you long to raise your children as […]

lost my steam

Oh dear. Maybe it’s jetlag, maybe it’s just conference-exhaustion, but I’ve reached that time of the day where the vast numbers of people just look exhausting and alienating to me instead of friendly and interesting, and although I’ve chatted with a number […]

tail end of the international panel

Bummer. I was suffering from conference overload and zoned out long enough to miss the bulk of the international panel which was one of the things I was most interested in. Right now Jeremy Heimans, one of the people who ran SÈgolËne […]

Seth Godin: Time to Flip the Funnel?

[Notes from Personal Democracy Forum 2007 in New York] Seth Godin – a marketing blogger who’s doing a very amusing talk with lots of good sound bites and funny slides, mostly arguing that politicians need to be aware of the paradigm shift […]

Andrew Rasiej about the increasing digital divide

[Notes from Personal Democracy Forum 2007 in New York] The digital divide is getting worse. Ten years ago companies etc weren’t all networked. In ten years everyone in power has massive network access, but the disadvantaged still have next to none. But […]