My Books

blogging from the rainbow warrior

Greenpeace’s ship the Rainbow Warrior 2 was in Bergen yesterday, and we went on down to have a look. The very friendly crew showed groups around the ship, explaining how the navigation system worked, how they’d had sails put on the ship […]

celebrities on twitter and youtube and qik

It’s not that Demi Moore’s my favourite actress – but since I was fourteen or fifteen, she’s been one of those Hollywood icons that that in sum have defined beautiful for me. I don’t read gossip magazines except in waiting rooms or […]

“raymond carver on acid” says my book is “not bad”!

I guess I got lazy about egosurfing, because I only just noticed that my book has two reviews on Amazon, and both are horrible. My average “grade” is 2 1/2 stars, and the review currently at the top of the page starts […]

freedom of speech online: amnesty’s campaign

Amnesty Norway is campaigning for activists who’ve been imprisoned and tortured for what they’ve written on the internet. I’m all for their campaign, but as a scholar of social media I’m particularly impressed with how well Amnesty is working to encourage supporters […]

scholarship i’m going to read

So many new scholarly articles out there on blogging, narratives online and social media. In the next week or so I’m planning to read the following: Lindemann, Kurt. Live(s) Online: Narrative Performance, Presence, and Community in Text and Performance Quarterly, Volume […]

searching twitter

So, twitter’s advanced search lets you do things like, oh, see all tweets in a 15 mile radius of Bergen, for instance. And if you do that, you might see a tweet from junebre who turns out to be June Breivik, the […]

blogs about e-learning

I recorded a short video lecture on using blogs in teaching yesterday, for an hybrid online/f2f course in e-learning for teachers of social work in higher education being developed by H¯gskolen i Bergen, along the lines of their When the video’s […]

telenor refuses to block the pirate bay

Oh good on ya, Telenor: a big Norwegian ISP was asked by the IFPI (the recording industry) to block their subscribers from accessing The Pirate Bay – and Telenor refused to do so, giving lots of good arguments that are familiar from […]