On Thursday at 1:15 pm we’re gathering masters and PhD students (and other researchers) who are writing about social media at the coffee bar at the University Library here in Bergen – look for a gang of social media types sitting round […]
So the latest fuss in the Norwegian social mediasphere is about Even Sandvold Roland, an 18-year-old in his final year of high school who wrote a tweet yesterday evening complaining that he couldn’t buy a song legally in Norway that was available […]
Queen was my first musical love – well, after ABBA, of course. I must have listened to Bohemian Rhapsody hundreds of times. Although the theme of the repentent murderer may seem odd for a fourteen year old to appreciate so greatly, the […]
I spent two days last week at the European Journal of Communication Symposium 2009 – a fabulous little workshop that was held in beautiful Padua, half an hour away from Venice. Every couple of years the journal’s editors invite a group of […]
In lots of different departments at the University of Bergen there are students writing bachelors and masters theses about social media and digital culture – and they’re often quite lonely, not aware of each other, and often don’t have much support from […]
I’m presenting my book Blogging at our university bookshop, Studia, today at 2:15 pm. If you’re in town you’re very welcome to come! I’m going to talk for 25 minutes and Studia’s serving snacks of some kind, so I think it’ll be […]
Today is Ada Lovelace day, and along with thousands of others, I’ve pledged to write about a woman in technology who has inspired me. I was going to write about Grace Hopper, who was the lead developer of COBOL, the first “human […]
I thought knitting was an example of a visual kind of social media topic – knitting blogs generally have photos in every single post – and so knitters wouldn’t bother with text-and-link-centric Twitter. I was wrong.
I’ve joined numerous Facebook groups to protest against or campaign for causes, and I’ve noticed the mainstream media using the number of people who’ve joined such groups as evidence of popular pressure on the powers that be – whether it’s to preserve […]
I wrote a few weeks ago about Store norske leksikon (SNL), the well-established Norwegian paper encyclopedia that’s gone digital with a mixture of Wikipedia-style user-generated content and experts for different topics who put the “quality assured” stamp on certain, specially-vetted articles. Now […]