My Books

can you express yourself, or do you just consume?

Just as we would not traditionally assume that someone is literate if they can read but not write, we should not assume that someone possesses media literacy if they can consume but not express themselves. — Henry Jenkins, Convergence Culture, p 170.

blogging as a tool for reflection and learning

This spring, I recorded a short video lecture on how to use blogs in teaching for the Virtual Book online course on E-Pedagogy for Teachers in Higher Education, which is produced by H¯gskolen in Bergen and planned and edited by Anne Karin […]

the nordic digital culture network

At the Digital Culture program, we’re pleased to announce the launch of the Nordic Digital Culture Network, a Nordplus Higher Education network which we have been working to develop for the past year. Linking together digital culture programs from the Nordic and […]

bloggers of all times, unite

I’m enjoying this Flickr set by Mike Licht of old portraits and posters that have been updated so the people in them are blogging. This is “Young Woman Blogging, after Marie-Denise Villers”. They’re all CC licenced, though who knows whether the original […]

a word-image video

The Child, by Antoine Bardou-Jacquet raises all sorts of interesting questions about representation, narration and the relationship between words and images – every image in the piece actually consists of letters or words. You could definitely call The Child electronic literature, and […]

remix culture: copyright

Have you seen Eric Faden’s A Fair(y) Use Tale? It uses clips from a couple of dozen Disney movies to explain copyright and fair use: I found the video in a very useful teaching resource for discussing copyright in relation to remixes […]

authorship, Foucault, Barthes and remix culture

Neva’s post about Foucault’s “What is an Author” raises an interesting question. She notes that Foucault writes that “an anonymous text posted on a wall probably has a writer – but not an author”. How does that fit with remix and collaborative […]

the gutenberg parenthesis and cultural differences

Today’s Remix Culture class is about the Gutenberg Parenthesis: a cultural realm where it is felt that cultural products (including stage plays and student essays) should be original, independent, autonomous compositions — the individual achievement and the individual property of those who […]

remix culture and the kuleshov effect

Remix Culture students are finishing up their 250 word project descriptions and their video previews, so today’s class is mostly going to be a workshop were we can all get on with it and raise any issues that have come up. I […]

working on our annotated bibliography and on our project ideas

Here’s the plan for today’s Remix Culture class: Look at our overall research project outline. Does this make sense? Are there important things we’re missing? Edit. Talk a bit about how to get from idea to research proposal Discuss our annotated bibliography. […]