I love Jenny Holzer’s truisms, but I think I like @JennyHolzerMom even better! I’ve decided to drastically lower my threshold for what I think of as blog worthy. Just because I already retweeted one of these tweets doesn’t mean it’s not also […]
This post is in Norwegian, asking readers to contribute their thoughts on the challenges to digital content and services in Norway on behalf of DIGITutvalget. DIGITutvalget er nedsatt av Fornyingsdepartementet for å identifisere hindringer og barrierer for vekst i den norske digitaløkonomien, og […]
I read Mark Andrejevic‘s article on “Social Network Exploitation” yesterday (in Paparcharissi (ed) A Networked Self, Routledge 2011), and its marxist critique of the ways companies might and/or do exploit our use of social media is excellently chilling. I’m going to be teaching […]
Our research librarian just sent a list of all the books the University Library bought for Digital Culture in 2011. There are 97 books on the list, which says something about how fast this field is growing, and browsing the titles I […]
I have the unusual luxury of two whole weeks at the office before teaching begins and while I do have quite a few other things to do, I’m happy to have time to really think about how I want to teach this […]
In those feverishly exciting early years of blogging Liz Lawley (a.k.a. mamamusings) was one of my favorite blogging buddies, and I’m excited to see she’s decided to blog more again, rather than leaving ideas and conversations on Facebook or Twitter. Some obvious […]
I’m watching a presentation by Albert László Barabási on his book BURSTS: The Hidden Pattern Behind Everything We Do, and he’s telling some fascinating stories. For instance, had you heard of Hasan Elahi, a media artist who after being investigated by the […]
Names can shape fields. In the proposal for a panel to be held at the MLA this week, Lori Emerson argued that the introduction of the term “electronic literature” by the founding of the Electronic Literature Organization in 1999, in fact founded the […]
NRK commissioned this new version of the Norwegian national anthem, Ja vi elsker (Yes, we love this country) from Ole Hamre, the man behind Folkofonen. Go on, watch it, its sweet, with so few words in it that you really don’t need […]
Three PhD fellowships have just been advertised in our department (deadline Jan 31), and I’m hoping that one of them will go to a Digital Culture scholar. Our department includes Nordic, Comp. lit, Classics and Theatre Studies and Linguistics as well as […]
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