My Books

candlelight vigils

Today there’ll be candlelight vigils for peace around the world, and a web system rather like lets individuals coordinate vigils for their areas. There’s nothing in Bergen though, I’ve not seen this advertised locally at all, and I don’t quite have […]


A scary predictive article from The Onion in January 2001.

send a blogger to Iraq

Christopher Allbritton is going to Iraq as an independent, blogging reporter, Wired writes. If you give him some money, he’ll send you and the other contributors photos and reports a day before he blogs them, and you get to be his “editors” […]

a troll in the comments

I think I just got my first ever mean, bitchy and unconstructive comments. I’d actually thought that weblogs were fairly immune to that, and that it was mailing lists suffered from trolls. I thought about deleting the bitchy comments, which is easy […]

teaching critical blogging

Adrian emphasises process- and problem-based teaching, and his weblog has lots of notes about his teaching. Yesterday he wrote about the stages between a student asking “What’s the difference between a blog and a webpage” and the class finding information and assessing […]


The news today is full of the diplomatic faux pas of the American ambassador to Norway, who last night pretty much said that Norway was turning its back on America and that would permanently change the relationship between the countries (Aftenposten reports […]

cotton wool

I’m nursing a cold, keeping my sink shining, reviewing stacks of papers for Hypertext 03, trying to keep enthusiastic about my thesis, trying to finish that cursed chapter about political web games and I feel totally unbloggish. Unmostthingsish, actually. Well not totally, […]

the game industry

Greg Costikyan runs through the commercial gaming industry, which is apparently dying or at least stuck, and through independent and online gaming ventures and festivals, with lots of links, information, wringing of hands and comments.


Torill’s submitted her PhD thesis! OMG. Wow. Cool. CONGRATULATIONS!


Adrian’s switched to MoveableType for his main blog. So now I can send him a trackback 🙂