My Books

educational action research

Searching for a book owned by no university library in Norway yet cited in a student essay I’m assessing I came across Educational Action Research, an international peer-reviewed journal full of articles about combining practice, theory and reflection in teaching. A lot […]

megapixel camera phone

When we were in Tokyo Lisbeth remarked that there was a new background sound: not just the beep beep of SMSes and mono- and polyphonic ring tones but also an ascending arpeggio announcing the arrival of a picture message to a telephone […]

dac papers available

All the DAC papers are now freely available online, says the conference blog. (Oh what a relief to be able to type in links fast with the slashes and angle brackets in the familiar places on my Norwegian keyboard.)


I’m at the internet cafe down the road from the hotel. It has unbelievably trashy computers and miserable connection speed – but then it is really cheap. The conference is over, and a wonderful conference it was. There were a lot of […]

DAC just started…

At last! I haven’t been online since I last posted (five days!) and I’m like an addict, the first sign of a computer and I’m at it. So far I’ve had a terrific time. Tokyo was amazing. The Fuji family were awesome […]

off to dac

Tomorrow I’m off to DAC! I’ll be meeting Lisbeth and Susana at Kastrup and we’re flying together to Tokyo, where we’ll be met by Lisbeth’s Japanese friends. A couple of days later we’ll continue to Melbourne. I like to think I’ll do […]


Now that his thesis is done (like mine!) Anders has resurfaced with a delightful desciption of the arcane doctoral defence rituals of Norway. I think there may be tiny differences between the Bergen and Oslo versions of said ritual. In Bergen the […]

writing and learning

Did you know Thomas Edison’s notebooks ran to three and a half million pages? He wrote down ideas, plans, possibilities, drew sketches, visualised his thoughts and wrote about his colleagues’ work. He used words like if, might, would, could and try very […]


An email yesterday announced an interesting new blog, run by Michael Mateas, Nick Montfort, Stuart Moulthrop, Andrew Stern and Noah Wardrip-Fruin: is about computer mediated and computer generated works of many forms, including interactive fiction,, electronic poetry, interactive drama, hypertext […]


Damn it. Of course my paper for DAC was a thesis chapter, or a version of one, and yes, it is actually the first time I’ve gone from thesis to paper rather than the other way. And yes, I did have zillions […]