My Books

save /dev/null

Where, exactly, is /dev/null? I imagine it as a sort of void, a black hole of the system to which I can banish things, send thoughts into exile. I sent all my mail to /dev/null, this afternoon, due to a forgotten then. […]

81 hours

Assessments for my web design course are finally finished, after a two hour phone meeting with the external examiner. We had 27 students complete the course, and the assessment was budgeted at 90 minutes per student per examiner, which is pretty close […]

assessment ideas

Now look at this: a grading system based on Slashdot and karma (scroll down to read about karma, it’s under Assignments). Alex Halavais’s Media in the Information Age course, taught last autumn, had students write 500-1000 word responses each week. Students were […]


Good grief, only 2% of American women keep their names when they marry! Here you have to justify a choice to take your husband’s name, it’s so rare. I couldn’t find the exact numbers at Statistics Norway but among the peope I […]

Have you seen It’s a community of photo blogs. Thousands of users post their photos daily. Each user has a page of their own which shows their most recently posted photo, in addition to thumbnails of their previous five photos in […]

something back

Jon quotes Adrienne Rich: If you can read and understand this poem send something back: a burning strand of hair a still-warm, still-liquid drop of blood a shell thickened from being battered year on year send something back. Which is another reason […]

students teaching with blogs

One thing I’ve really liked in the student weblogs I’ve been grading is that there are a lot of posts that are really useful. It’s so different from exams where only the examiners are ever going to see all the work students […]

torill in dagbladet

Torill’s kronikk about weblogs was printed in Dagbladet on Saturday, but you can read it online if you didn’t buy the paper that day. Well, if you can read Norwegian you can read it online. Otherwise you’ll just have to look at […]

untidy reactions

I was eighteen the last time I was single. My girlfriends are all neatly coupled off now, but their reactions to my recently acquired single status speak volumes of what might lie underneath the clean surfaces of their lives. —Whatever you do, […]


Belzebob’s collection of MoveableType codes for inclusion in your templates is compact yet sufficient for most purposes. In Norwegian.