My Books


She falls in love with Pierre on her eighth day in Paris. They meet in caf?©s and in his garret apartment: he is the most romantic lover she has known, her most patient French tutor. But with each conversation, each night of […]

first person, real time

I like this definition of Eloise Oyzon’s: Blogs are a first person narrative in real time. and further: The story is focused upon the protagonist, it may be extremely personal/personable or the story may be of a larger scope – ie. technological […]


Yes, I’m home, but not quite at work yet. I’ve read, written, played, eaten, drunk, run, climbed, swum, slept, spoken a lot of French. My hedge needs trimming, the rose bush needs tying up and there’s weeding to do. My lavender’s not […]


To my surprise, I discovered that Southern France is just like Australia, or at least just like the parts of Australia I love best: hot blue skies, dusty red earth, dry yellow fields and trees and plants that fulfil exactly the same […]


So I’m half-packed, I finished the weblog definition, I bought my books for the plane, I mowed the lawn and gave the lady upstairs the spare key, I just have to do the dishes, vacuum the floors and put all the clothes […]

final version of weblog definition

This is the definition of “weblog” I’ve written for the Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory, which is forthcoming in 2005. It’s limited in size and scope: I had to keep to a maximum of 500 words, including the references, and I wrote […]


I’m listening to the very languid mix tape (well, CD) that Alex gave me when he was in town, and I’m drinking beer, and enjoying the cooling late evening rays of sun shining through the window and onto my shoulder, and rewriting […]

new mac?

Our Mac consultant is brilliant. Yesterday I told him I finally got the faculty to approve getting me a new Mac. “So what kind do you want?” he asked. “I was thinking a 12 inch powerbook with a nice external screen and […]

first draft is full of holes

I haven’t finished writing this but my head is aching and all my muscles are screaming at me to get OUT OF THIS OFFICE and so I’ll post this unfinished draft anyway. It’s for the Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory, as I […]

writing a definition

I’m writing a 500 word definition of weblog for the forthcoming Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative. I’ve been thinking about it for weeks but have only half-written it – my plan is to finish a draft this afternoon and post it here, and […]