My Books

social media

Chain mail campaigns make me hate social media

I want to support children in Greece. And I trust SOS Children’s Villages. My family sponsors a child through them. But I dislike this campaign: It wants me to email my friends telling them about the campaign. Not to ask them for money, […]

social media

Digital Methods mini-workshop in Bergen

Ever since I came across the Digital Methods Initiative website I’ve wanted to attend one of their summer schools in Amsterdam, where they hack out new tools to do digitally native research on digitally native materials. They have an impressive range of […]

Liberating our (biometric) data

I gave a talk on technologically mediated self-representations (have to come up with a sexier term for that, it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue) this morning for Piksels & Lines, a research seminar and workshop for the Libre Graphic Research Unit that’s ongoing […]


Strikes, conflicts and academia

This morning I dropped my two-year-old and four-year-old off at preschool for the first time after a thirteen day strike. What a relief. I adore my children, but figuring out childcare from day to day, canceling meetings, trying to work at home, […]

Hiking with Howard Rheingold

Back home again, I’m still processing all the ideas and people we met with in Chicago and California. Our last visit in California was to Howard Rheingold, who took us walking in the mountains by his home outside of San Francisco. Rheingold […]

The door of the Stanford Literary Lab

Visting Stanford Literary Lab

Franco Moretti‘s work on “distant reading” (or macroanalysis) has been very inspiring as we have explored what kinds of research we can do using the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base, especially his book Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History. […]