My Books


This week my Digital Media Aesthetics class is doing networked art (which is sometimes, but not always, the same as and today the students will be following Natalie Bookchin and Alexei Shulgin’s instructions on how to make DIY Their Introduction […]

stop laughing

Norwegians can stop laughing at the US voting system. In Oslo the various parties on the left got 46 more votes than the parties on the right, but because the council stopped using the d’Hondts method of calculating representatives and have switched […]

leaf in mud

On the other hand, all my errands today meant I got to walk for two hours, all told, in a beautiful city in just the right sort of rain, rain that moistens your hair without making an umbrella necessary.


Grumpy. Long line at immigration office. Complicated citizenship rules. Phone queues. Spam. Back when in better mood.


Torill’s essay on digital juggling in the latest Tekka paints wonderful images of multitasking with technology. I find her description of how she didn’t used to do this particularly interesting, because this is how so many of my friends use their computers, […]

they won

Oh, and the coffee baron won the Bergen elections. Now they’ll turn Festplassen back into a carpark. Great.

reality kabul

?sne Seierstad was one of Norway’s favourite war correspondents in both Kabul and Baghdad, and so when she wrote a book based on the half year she spent living with a bookseller’s family in Kabul it was an instant bestseller. Unfortunately Seierstad […]


I asked my seven-year-old to document the election while I voted, and she selected these photos for the weblog. School was out today because they use the school for the election, and when we went shopping after voting green sheets covered the […]

tegnemaskin 1-12

Odin is not only king of the ancient norse gods, but also the main website for Norwegian goverment information (, and, interestingly, the first public digital space in Norway and perhaps in Europe to include publically funded art. Marius Watz has written […]

what happened

Torill’s posted “the big description” of her trial lecture and defence.