My Books


My friend Lars lives far, far North, further North than I’ve ever been, and when he walks across his garden to check on his potatoes the earth crushes beneath his feet, like scorch marks, he writes. I remember frost, but it’s not […]

better than good

They say here that if the sun shines on your birthday you’ve been good as gold all year. I’m taking today’s gentle drizzle as a sign that I’ve been exploring my more interesting sides of late. When you’re two to the power […]

2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2

I’m 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 years old today! That means I get to be a two-year-old to the fifth degree all day long! I want BALLOONS!


My friend Charley is teaching contemporary British poetry this semester and sent me this link to a new mediated version of Paul Muldoon’s poem “A Collegelands Catechism”. What you get, if you get past the forced Flash intro from the Princeton courseware […]


I think I’m glad I’ve not had any dreams about teaching yet, but I recognise some of the themes of Lisbeth’s nightmare…

si je te disais que je t’aimerais has some beautiful writing, though I repeatedly stumble over the French: Could lapin be a new word for laptop, I wondered, at first, because what would a rabbit have to do with this? It turns out that the narrator calls her […]


It rained all day, but when I walked home from dinner this evening the sky was deep blue and the street lights lit up the baring branches, half full with yellow leaves.

quartet in g minor

They never played the string quartet in G Minor at the museum. It disturbed the tourists. The repeated anguish of the chords made busloads of Americans and Germans stay outside in the gardens, merrily walking down to see Grieg’s grave or to […]


Decluttering bookshelves has turned up many old scribblings. A notebook from 1998 is full of blog posts, though I hadn’t yet realised that blogging was the name of my native genre. Here’s a quotation from Shelley Jackson‘s Patchwork Girl that would have […]


I know you’ve been longing for a furry laptop forever. Or would you prefer a pink apple on your white iBook, with matching accessories?