My Books

comment spam

Extremely frequent visitors may have noticed that link-packed comments advertising various drugs keep popping up and disappearing here. They’re always comments to posts that have a lot of links pointing to them and thereby a high Google PageRank, which is obviously what […]


He slept through my entire visit, so I didn’t get to hold him. But while his mother was unwrapping the soft cotton blanket I’d brought for him he opened his eyes a little, not quite awake, but looking steadfastly at me as […]

wireless abroad

This morning I was writing when Mark pinged me in iChat: There are definitely a few times I’ve been alone in foreign cities where I’d have liked to sit down, order a coffee, unfold a slim laptop and find a list of […]

different stories

Digitales2003 is calling for stories and texts about gender and technology. Different stories: One often hears that girls are not interested in technical things because they are too cold and too systematic, but what about telling them that one of the pioneers […]

thinking a rhinoceros is a unicorn

Reading an old copy of The Guardian’s Review section over breakfast, I found this that I want to remember: When Marco Polo first saw a rhinoceros on Java, he recognised it as a unicorn. The creature had a single horn and the […]

rainy afternoon

It’s been raining for days and days and days and days. My camera is too slow to capture the splash of raindrops in puddles but heightens the blue monotony of the bridge across the inlet, viewed from beneath my umbrella.


My friend Lars lives far, far North, further North than I’ve ever been, and when he walks across his garden to check on his potatoes the earth crushes beneath his feet, like scorch marks, he writes. I remember frost, but it’s not […]

better than good

They say here that if the sun shines on your birthday you’ve been good as gold all year. I’m taking today’s gentle drizzle as a sign that I’ve been exploring my more interesting sides of late. When you’re two to the power […]

2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2

I’m 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 years old today! That means I get to be a two-year-old to the fifth degree all day long! I want BALLOONS!


My friend Charley is teaching contemporary British poetry this semester and sent me this link to a new mediated version of Paul Muldoon’s poem “A Collegelands Catechism”. What you get, if you get past the forced Flash intro from the Princeton courseware […]