My Books

materiality, cultural ignorance

Barbara Gentikow gave an interesting presentation to our department today, about a new project she’s starting up at the media department about new media and materiality. The project’s funded by KIM. She audaciously claimed that Norwegian media research so far has been […]

games course

Rune Klevjer‘s running an interesting course on computer games this semester. I’m giving a couple of lectures into it, on hypertext and digital narrative. I think.

make $$$$ off your blog

I just got an email offering me $14 for each book sold if I advertise a book called Blogs to Riches on my site. You’d be paying a modest $47 for a copy; I’d get 30%. More likely, you’d not pay $47, […]

blogtalk 2.0

Blogtalk 2.0 is in Vienna, July 5-6, and proposals are due on March 17. Only 500 words, and it might be rather interesting.

case dropped

Torill notes an interesting case where a defence force-employed expert on electronic warfare (!) was accused of publishing racist material on Usenet. He quit his job voluntarily and the case against him was dropped, it seems, but he then sued the organisation […]


Your tongue will stick to a frost-covered pole, but stickers won’t. A few hours later poles have warmed up and dried off. There are stickers all over town. Some are ads but most are mysteries. I have no idea what they’re promoting, […]


We’re having a networking lunch for people working, teaching and researching with or on networked art, literature, media, communication and culture: Thursday 22 Jan, at noon at Spisestedet p H¯yden. If you’re a person like that, in Bergen, please join us! People […]


Jane‘s many ways of telling her story without quite telling her story fascinate me. She writes obliquely. Having followed her words for weeks, months, I’ve made myself several stories of what might have happened in her life, in her days. My story […]

hare was here

“Hey, move out of the way! Your shadows are in my photo! I just want those tracks, not shadows.” “Actually, no, stay. I like it like that, with you in there.”


Being able to reuse teaching materials is brilliant, and embarking on my second year of teaching I’m just reaping my first crop. And you know, they get better each time, because I’ve learnt from last year’s problems. Well, from some of them, […]