My Books

teaching connotations

VirtualLit looks like a set of excellent tutorials in close reading poems and fiction. I came across it searching for definitions of connotation – I’m grading papers, you see, and grading papers you always see what you didn’t teach well enough. VirtualLit […]

chicago mile x mile

From drawings of subway maps across the world all done to the same scale that Caterina linked (a mile = 2 pixels, something about that is wonderful) I came to Chicago mile x mile, photos of intersections in a grid, a photo […]


A non-blogger’s demand for equal rights.

happy women’s day!

Thomas came into my office this morning with a cheerful “Congratulations!” I love the Norwegian tradition of congratulating each other on the eighth of March. It’s only just over a hundred years since the first women were allowed to vote. Spend a […]


An SMS poetry magazine: OneSixty. That’s how many characters each poem can contain. They’d like new submissions for their second issue; the first has a few charming poems, though perhaps nothing stunning. I had expected poems about SMSing or about the situation, […]

digital voting v. trustworthy

I’ve not done a bit of googling and fact-checking here, it’s too late, but Kathleen’s got links you can follow. In brief, from her post: the main venture capitalist backing both Diebold and ES&S, the two primary manufacturers of computerized voting machines, […]

smells of growth

It’s snowing again today. But ten days ago I took this picture. Close to the earth, drinking in the snowdrops and the tiny buttercup leaves, I smelt earth and growth and spring. And now everything’s white again and there are no smells […]


My friend ordered an iPod online and said yes when the computer asked him if he’d like an inscription on his iPod. He typed in “This pod belongs to…” in Norwegian, of course, and of course, that involves the letter ¯. Which […]

peer assessment

I finally finished my essay on peer assessment, and to my relief, thereby conclude the course in university pedagogy that the University of Bergen requires new employees to take. I think it’ll be published in a report series from the University. I […]


After a day of meetings my shoulders sank as I entered the tunnel, the crowd and the noise. The night before the repeated rhythm of passing trams had kept company with my sleep, reminding me perhaps of sleep in motion, familiar despite […]