I complained to Liz, who was here last weekend (wonderful, inspiring talk! slides here, video there) that I was getting bored with the election debates, of which there have been many, and she said, “So have fun! Make some memes!”
For quite a while, I’ve been meaning to put my application for full professor online. Here it is. I had never seen an example of an application for promotion to full professor when I submitted my own application, in September 2009. The […]
Today I’m loving these Hey Girl Audun Lysbakken photos – Lysbakken heads the socialist party (SV) and I suppose he is rather good looking. Someone has started a series of photos of him based on the Ryan Gosling memes, or more specifically, […]
“I saw two aeroplanes dropping bombs over our preschool,” Jessie told me. “No planes have dropped bombs over Bergen since grandma was a baby,” I said. “That only happens in wartime, and luckily there haven’t been wars here for a very long […]
Tonight marks the first meeting of the Lær kidsa koding! (teach kids to code!) initiative, which I’m so thrilled to be a part of. One of the most important recommendations in the report to the government I co-wrote about hindrances to digital […]
I wrote an op-ed for Aftenposten today about the need to teach our kids programming. Working on the government report on hindrances for digital innovation in Norway I read a lot about how we currently define “digital competency” and “digital skills”, and […]
I missed this when it was published a few days ago, but Curt Rice’s skepticism about Norway’s newly proposed tenure track positions in academia is worth reading. I’ve heard and read enough bad stories about being on the tenure track (the stress, the […]
The second edition of my book Blogging is just about to go into production, and I’ve just finished double checking all the links for the blogs referenced in the book. I’m using a lot of the same blogs as in the first […]
I’m showing students in our student research course DIKULT207: Digital Humanities in Practice: Project Work on Developing a Scholarly Database of Electronic Literature how to use Gephi to visualise data from the ELMCIP database this morning, and I realised we hadn’t put the actual […]
A few years ago, Kate and Gregor Maxwell, a British academic couple now working at Norwegian universities, started applying for academic jobs in Scandinavia. The openness of the system surprised them, as Kate blogged earlier this week: It was a great surprise […]
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