My Books

Running for Vice-Rector

Having fun with the election

I complained to Liz, who was here last weekend (wonderful, inspiring talk! slides here, video there) that I was getting bored with the election debates, of which there have been many, and she said, “So have fun! Make some memes!”


My professor application

For quite a while, I’ve been meaning to put my application for full professor online. Here it is. I had never seen an example of an application for promotion to full professor when I submitted my own application, in September 2009. The […]

Networked Politics social media

Hey girl Audun Lysbakken

Today I’m loving these Hey Girl Audun Lysbakken photos – Lysbakken heads the socialist party (SV) and I suppose he is rather good looking. Someone has started a series of photos of him based on the Ryan Gosling memes, or more specifically, […]


Imaginary bombs

“I saw two aeroplanes dropping bombs over our preschool,” Jessie told me. “No planes have dropped bombs over Bergen since grandma was a baby,” I said. “That only happens in wartime, and luckily there haven’t been wars here for a very long […]

Teach the kids to code!

Tonight marks the first meeting of the Lær kidsa koding! (teach kids to code!) initiative, which I’m so thrilled to be a part of. One of the most important recommendations in the report to the government I co-wrote about hindrances to digital […]

We need to teach our kids to code!

I wrote an op-ed for Aftenposten today about the need to teach our kids programming. Working on the government report on hindrances for digital innovation in Norway I read a lot about how we currently define “digital competency” and “digital skills”, and […]