My Books


I went to see Alladeen with Hanne-Lovise this evening. Five actors, many projectors, several technicians: it was theatre and video and animations all on top of each other, extravagant and often quite effective. The website is a separate project and perhaps even […]

Uncle Roy All Around You

Tomorrow a mixed reality game/performance will be mixing on-the-street players in West Bromwich in the UK and online players like yourself, with the aim to find objects in a virtual yet real city. It’s called Uncle Roy All Around You and is […]

new media conference

Tomorrow and Friday there’s a conference here where Friedrich Kittler and Jay Bolter and many other worthy speakers will be talking about new media. Should be good. I bet you could turn up even if you’ve not registered – it’s free.


Confused by different standards I bought jeans in the States two sizes below what I thought my size was and returned home to find the jeans are big enough I could be five months pregnant and perfectly comfortable in them. What a […]


Ew. In September Critical Art Ensemble are coming from New York to Stavanger’s iolab to lead a workshop in wetware. Wetware, yes, that means making art from organic materials. I’m a wimp, but there’s something about the word wetware that makes me […]


I just sent back the Telio IP phone adaptor I was so enthusiastic about when I first heard about it.

small-world links in academia

I’ve been meaning to blog this – looks like it’ll be interesting to many people doing research on academic uses of weblogs and of the web. The link below goes directly to the PDF; there’s also a summary page for the dissertation. […]


We not only had fun following the players around and laughing at their antics, they reminded us, in the most amusing manner, of how rich with history Bergen is. It’s easy to forget all the stories here – like the stories of […]

rhythms and metronomes

I like the rhythms of blogs. I like how things happen while I’m sleeping, how I become aware of other rhythms than my own in the blogs I read. Elouise usually blogs in her mornings, which are my afternoons. Meredith is a […]


A Whole Lotta Nothing points to an astonishing example of how most people don’t get blogs. For some reason a blog post briefly mentioning having watched an episode of Overhauling, which seems to be a makeover show for cars (!), is the […]