My Books

books in boxes

Ooh, I hadn’t heard of this one: a novel in a box, The Unfortunates, this one first published in 1969 by the British author B.S. Johnson. Thanks Tinka, for alerting me to it! It would appear to have something in common with […]

Ooh! Look!

Isn’t that cool! I made it at Feedburner, where I’ve also constructed a new feed combining stuff from here, from Flickr and from my links. Now I just have to figure out where to put my little automated ticker thing. Feedburner […]

cursor rabbit

There’s a rabbit, somewhere, who’s convinced your cursor is a tasty rabbit carrot. Cute 🙂

i hope she doesn’t hear

After kids’ TV last night a woman spoke: If you have any questions about what happened in Russia you can ring this number to speak to an adult at the Red Cross. My eight-year-old didn’t comment or seem to react to this, […]

download radio

IT Conversations looks like a nice alternative to radio: download interviews with people talking about blogging and the web and listen to them on your iPod. Jorunn recommends Halley Suitt’s interview with David Weinberger, while noting how unfamiliar his voice was to […]

gossip column

Ooh! Prince Joachim might be granted an audience with Queen Lisbeth of blogging today! I can’t wait for the updates!! And the photos! And the reporting!

physical blogging has many tongue-in-cheek assignments, from sewing an adult replica of a baby’s jump suit to taking photos of strangers holding hands. Several are documented on the website, and you can of course choose to accept any assignment and send in documentation […]

visual argumentation

Pentagon Strike is a great example of argument in images, aided by some text, music and fast transitions. It’s a Flash piece that lasts for about five minutes and that uses a lot of images to argue that whatever hit the Pentagon […]

fixing trackbacks

Just trying to fix my trackbacks. If this pings that, it worked!

rss comments feeds

Three people have complained that my comments RSS isn’t working. I don’t use RSS readers enough to even quite know what you do with a comments RSS, but obviously it’d be nice if I could make it work. However, I’ve done all […]