My Books


I would love to try spinning in these wheels. My daughter has had a go and is determined that the second she’s ten and old enough this will become her sport. (I hope she keeps her fingers.)

blogging makes writing easier

Profgrrrl has experienced that glorious side effect of blogging: the kind of blogging that involves putting your opinions in writing on a regular basis, and dealing with responses from others, makes other writing – like academic paper writing – much, much easier: […]

email story by Richard Powers

Richard Powers (one of whose novels I’ve been meaning to read) published a short email narrative, “They Come in a Steady Stream Now” in the latest edition of Ninth Letter, a journal out of the University of Illinois. Though it’s not really […]


Via email from Noah, TurtlePox, a writing project where you might receive an email from a friend that would “infect” you, and if it didn’t kill you, you could mutate it and pass it on by changing some of the wording and […]

social and scholarly

One of my greatest aha! moments learning about hypertext theory was when I at a conference naively commented, over drinks I expect, that hypertext requires links. A spatial hypertext expert (I think it must have been Frank Shipman, or maybe Gene Golovchinsky, […]

mobile drama

There’s a story on mobile literature in the NY Times, taken from the International Herald Tribune which fortunately doesn’t require registration, and they mention Media Republic‘s mobile phone soap opera Jung-Zuid, complete with well-known stars and so on. I can’t read Dutch, […]


The ocean is restless today, its lips foaming and its waves piling higher and higher up the beach. The air is filled with fine drizzle and mist and it darkens early, leaving me wanting to make indoors as warmly human as possible.

inside out

As night falls and the students leave, the bookshelves slowly start stretching into the forest. Soon they will have replaced it completely. (Daylight is different.)

reading people reading email stories

Angela Thomas, whose research is on young peoples’ experiences in virtual environments, is reading Planet Jemma, the get-girls-into-science project that the Online Caroline guys did after Online Caroline. She’s excited after her first email, and has signed up for other email narratives […]

..and 3

I should probably keep my trap shut. But honestly.