My Books


Did you look at Justin Hall’s blog lately? Justin’s been publishing his life online for eleven years, with an honesty (well, an apparent honesty, I don’t know him apart from his website so can’t verify anything, but it’s certainly truthful in the […]

Margot Wallstr??m’s blog

Margot Wallstr??m, the EU’s Commissioner for Institutional Relations and Communication, has started blogging. I read her most recent post, which moves from personal notes about the tsunami through a description of the prime-minister of Luxembourg ending with concerns about having put on […]

not her

Every time I get one of those emails with a photo of a child who can remember nothing in a hospital in Thailand I hope, wildly, that when I scroll down the photo will be of Shyrin. It never is. It’s the […]

phd thesis online

I fixed the PDF of my PhD thesis and put it online! Jill Walker. Fiction and Interaction: How Clicking a Mouse Can Make You Part of a Fictional World. Dr. art. thesis, Dept of Humanistics, University of Bergen, 2003. To try to […]

want to research, just gotta plan some more first

Christy Dena has a wonderfully useful post on the differences between her approach to crossmedia or polymorphic narrative, and my approach to what I’ve called distributed narrative. Isn’t the web awesome, letting us find each other like this, now, as we’re figuring […]


Anjo Anjewierden ran a script identifying words used uniquely (kind of, read the post to see what that means) in particular blogs. Which would you rather read: Jill Walker: electronic literature, grant, hypertext, new media, wireless. Danah Boyd: abuse, adult, battle, blog […]


You could invent realms of poetry and symbolism from this photo, if you wished. The truth? A walk, comfortably hand in hand, exploring for just a short while before returning to work. Stop, I said. We need to take a photograph of […]

going to be OK?

Last spring she stayed at our house. My daughter slept soundly but Shyrin woke at midnight. “Don’t worry, darling”, I told her, holding her close, “it’s OK.” A few weeks earlier her mother had fetched her at nine because she couldn’t fall […]

the possession of christian shaw

Donna Leishman is now Dr Leishman! Her PhD thesis was practice-based, consisting of a visual narrative, The Possession of Christian Shaw, which is discussed and considered in terms of theory, practice, and feedback from a number of “expert readers”, of which I […]

do as your mobile tells you

Tim Etchell’s Surrender Control back in 2001 was “art”, but when the people behind This Diary Will Change Your Life do pretty much exactly the same thing and charge for it, it’s a “mobile service”. Sign up at This Mobile Will Change […]