My Books

making bacteria

After getting home, I went through my nine-year-old’s school backpack and found last week’s schedule. The theme for the week was “health and our bodies”, and Monday morning they learnt about bacteria and viruses (do you really have to write virii? Sounds […]

hypertext 2006 and 2007

They’ve announced where the next Hypertext conferences will be. Usually the conference has alternated between the US and Europe, but the conference hasn’t been able to find a site in the US for 2006, so it’ll be in Denmark in 2006, and […]


Clare Hooper, from the University of Southhampton, is presenting StorySpinner, which is a bit like an automatical story generator. Ractor and Meehan’s TaleSpin are probably among the most famous, Christopher Strachley’s love letter generator probably the oldest of this kind of electronic […]

unfortunate textads

The Google textads for discounted New Orleans hotels on the New Orleans metroblog are a little — well.

geodesic hypertext sculpture

J. Nathan Matias is talking now, and he’s brought a physical hypertext sculpture! Being a savvy blogger, he’s blogged his talk already. The sculpture, The Philadelphia Fullerine, is a geodesic sphere, which is kind of like a huge AD&D dice with sixty […]

my panel’s up now

OK, I’m up. Before me is a paper on global editability – letting everyone edit pages on the web. After me is a paper on semantic structures in hypertexts. And me, I’m going to talk about feral hypertext. Wild, unruly hypertext that […]

Monika Henzinger’s keynote

[in progress]Monika Henzinger is the research director of Google Europe, and is giving the keynote at Hypertext 2005, which started this morning in Salzburg.

global literature

Hooray! I just got email from Pierre Mounier, whom I didn’t speak to in Lyon, but who was in the audience, and who’s written a paper on literariness as something that can be seen at the level of the internet rather than […]

more about alexandre dumas’ nineteenth century blogging

Sarah Mombert and Stephen Shimanek are giving a presentation about their project to digitalise Alexandre Dumas’s newspapers. I wrote a little about the project back in May. Alexandre Dumas directed and/or wrote for eleven newspapers – he was truly into the new […]