My Books

social media Teaching

The #IR15 Selfie Pedagogy Workshop

I’m in Korea at the Association of Internet Researchers’ annual conference, and having a great time. I bought a selfie stick in Seoul and the Twitter hashtag is hopping and I’m loving having the chance to talk face to face with all […]

New book out now: Seeing Ourselves Through Technology

HOORAY! My new book, Seeing Ourselves Through Technology: How We Use Selfies, Blogs and Wearable Devices to See and Shape Ourselves was published today by Palgrave!!! The book is open access (CC-BY) so you can download it right now for free, either from Palgrave […]

Come and join our online selfie course

Over the last few months I’ve been collaborating with a bunch of wonderful scholars in the Selfie Research Network and one of the first outcomes of our work is an online course on selfies. We’re already in week three, which is my […]

Visualise me

Who sees our health data?

One of the topics in my upcoming book, Seeing Ourselves Through Technology: How We Use Selfies, Blogs and Wearable Devices to See and Shape Ourselves, is activity trackers and health information, which I consider both as a form of quantitative self-representation and as […]

Selfie of me and the DIKULT106 students on our first day of class

Teaching with selfies: icebreaker

This morning I met my students for our first lecture of the semester in DIKULT106, where I’m teaching a three week module on digital self-representation (like, you know, selfies). So after a quick “How many of you have phones with cameras in your […]