I finally realised that the reason I feel like I’m all hunched up in my new office is not that I suddenly became more hunching but that the desk in here is five cm too low for me. No wonder I’m in pain. Just gotta figure out who to talk to about getting the desk fixed…
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You could always lower the chair…? 🙂
Jill Walker Rettberg
I tried that, actually. It wouldn’t go low enough 😉 I foudn the people though, they actually say they’ve fixed it now, so I’ll see on Monday 🙂
Use Ph.D. dissertations under the table legs.
Try to get a desk like the one I now have at work. The height is adjustable up or down with the press of a button that activates a small motor to slide the inner legs either up or down. Not only can you adjust the top to the perfect height for sitting at but you can also set it at a suitable height for standing at. Varying between sitting and standing has a stunning affect on personal productivity in my experience, not just during any one day at work, but I suspect people with these desks don’t end up needing sick leave due to back problems!