The author has 2084 posts

len lye’s 70 year old “flash” style animations

Last weekend we took the kids to a few small art galleries in Bergen. At two, Jessica has been well-trained, and loves to go to “art zeums” (art museums), and Scott and I are all for encouraging family outings that we grownups […]

research school on climate change narratives

One of our time’s most important research areas is climate change. Most research on climate change is within the natural sciences, but it’s becoming more and more obvious that examining what has happened, what will happen and why is not sufficient. What […]

reading as destruction

I scatter the words of the old-fashioned poem across the screen with my mouse, much as my toddler relishes throwing her lego blocks willy nilly across the floor. The words, unlike the lego blocks, remain neatly contained within the spinning disc that […]

when bloggers quit blogging

Norway’s most read blogger, fifteen-year-old Voe, has announced that she’s quitting. Voe has had a lot of media attention – in her end of year summary (posted two days before her “this is the end” post) she ironically writes that the “huge […]

anthology on archiving electronic literature

The latest issue of the German journal SPIEL (Siegener periodical for International Empirical Literature Study) gathers articles discussing how electronic literature, digital art and other born-digital genres can be archived. (Scroll down for English when you follow that link.) Unfortunately the issue […]

going to australia

In a wonderful coincidence, both Scott and I have been invited to Sydney to separate events just as the Northern winter starts to really show it’s serious. I’m keynoting the shifted media stream of the Journalism Education Association Australia conference on November […]

Nye medier, nye fortellinger: elektronisk litteratur

I’m giving a half-day course on electronic literature to publishers in Oslo this week, and have gathered links to things I want to show them here. Elektronisk litteratur utnytter teknologi til  gj¯re ting som ikke er mulige i trykte b¯ker. Dette […]

how to cite a blog

Hey, a post from my blog is used as the example in the DK Handbook, a visual guide for English composition that looks like those visual guides to StarWars or pregnancy or whatever but deals with grammar and how to reference sources. […]

video characters jumping out of their fictional worlds

Discovering Janet Murray is now on Twitter I also discovered this very clever interactive video ad she linked to. At first it looks like a pretty simplistic choose-your-own-adventure style thing, but then the guy in the hat complains at your choice and […]