The author has 2084 posts

Jakob Nielsen on hypertext in 1987

I’m reading old documents to prepare a first sketch of a paper I’m writing on early (pre-2000) electronic literature communities. I was intrigued to find Jakob Nielsen’s trip report from the very first ACM Hypertext conference held in 1987. By now, the […]

french discussions about social media

One of my students in DIKULT110: Kommunikasjon i sosiale medier is taking the course as part of her BA in French, and so needs to find French language sources and to write in French herself. Kristine Lowe (@kristinelowe) connected me to the […]

facebook censors website critical of it

Openbook is a website that lets you search public status messages on Facebook. Try searching for “hate my boss” or “playing hooky” for interesting results. Or, as Twitter posts keep mentioning today, search for “mosk” to see how many people who hate […]

very briefly about my research for new MA students

Tomorrow we’re welcoming our new MA students – but I can’t be there since tomorrow’s one of my much coveted stay-at-home-with-the-baby days. So I recorded a very brief video about what kinds of topics I can supervise. It could no doubt be […]

A new semester, with 50% work, 50% parental leave

Scott and I are sharing the rest of our parental leave, and we’re each working two and a half days a week until March next year. This is brilliant and sometimes difficult. It’s hard to work 50% in a job that isn’t […]

surveillance of kids – again

A new mobile phone service for kids, Bipper, has just been released in Norway, and one of the features, the possibility of localising your kid, is raising some debate. According to Bipper’s founder Silje Vallestad, this is only an extra feature that […]

blogging about cancer and the narrativity of blogs

As one of the very few official blog researchers in Norway I get a lot of phone calls and emails from journalists. Often this is how I find out what the big issue of the moment is in blogging, or at least […]

Education and Technology summer research school

This is my first week back at work after a half year’s maternity leave, and I’m lucky to be able to attend a few sessions of the Education and Technology summer research school that’s being organised by my colleagues in Digital Culture […]

discovery channel doesn’t know my friends

The Colony is a TV series about a very serious pandemic that devastates our civilisation. As a teaser, Discovery Channel has set up a “personal simulation” using your Facebook data to show you how such an outbreak would affect “those closest to […]

the hidden city

I spied this somewhat different map of Bergen pasted up by Lille LungegÂrdsvann. I’m not sure what all the icons mean, but I like it.