
The author has 275 posts


tools for teaching

I have the unusual luxury of two whole weeks at the office before teaching begins and while I do have quite a few other things to do, I’m happy to have time to really think about how I want to teach this […]

blogging more

In those feverishly exciting early years of blogging Liz Lawley (a.k.a. mamamusings) was one of my favorite blogging buddies, and I’m excited to see she’s decided to blog more again, rather than leaving ideas and conversations on Facebook or Twitter. Some obvious […]

Can human behaviour be predicted with enough data?

I’m watching a presentation by Albert László Barabási on his book BURSTS: The Hidden Pattern Behind Everything We Do, and he’s telling some fascinating stories. For instance, had you heard of Hasan Elahi, a media artist who after being investigated by the […]


ja, vi elsker

NRK commissioned this new version of the Norwegian national anthem, Ja vi elsker (Yes, we love this country) from Ole Hamre, the man behind Folkofonen. Go on, watch it, its sweet, with so few words in it that you really don’t need […]

Hilde’s new book

I’m really looking forwards to seeing my good friend and colleague Hilde Corneliussen‘s new book, Gender-Technology Relations: Exploring Stability and Change, which will be out on Palgrave on January 3. Hilde and I co-edited the World of Warcraft anthology together, and have […]


a turn from computational to ecological digital poetry

. Rita Raley’s giving this morning’s keynote at Digital Poetics and the Present, an ELMCIP seminar in Amsterdam, and in a larger discussion titled “Living Letterforms: The Ecological Turn in Contemporary Digital Poetics”, she’s offering a reading of David Jhave Johnston‘s Sooth, […]


i fixed my blog!!!

I fixed my blog! I fixed my blog!! And it only took about two months of whining to anybody who would listen that my ten years of blogging was gone, lost in hyperspace, between an ancient WordPress 2.0.1 install on a legacy […]