Tomorrow is the winter solstice. I’m marking the day by participating in A Day in the Life at Flickr. That’s the group for doing it, here’s a supershort explanation in case the group’s too much information to process.
How are you celebrating?
I'm Jill Walker Rettberg, author and professor of Digital Culture at the University of Bergen in Norway. I co-direct the Center for Digital Narrative, a 10-year Norwegian Centre of Research Excellence, and I lead the ERC project Machine Vision in Everyday Life. This site started as my blog in October 2000.
I'm Jill Walker Rettberg, author and professor of Digital Culture at the University of Bergen in Norway. I co-direct the Center for Digital Narrative, a 10-year Norwegian Centre of Research Excellence, and I lead the ERC project Machine Vision in Everyday Life. This site started as my blog in October 2000.
Tomorrow is the winter solstice. I’m marking the day by participating in A Day in the Life at Flickr. That’s the group for doing it, here’s a supershort explanation in case the group’s too much information to process.
How are you celebrating?
In 2022 I learned about FAIR data, the movement to make research data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reproducible. One of UiB’s brilliant research librarians, Jenny Ostrup, patiently helped me make the dataset from the Machine Vision project FAIR in 2022 – I wrote a little bit about that in my […]
Thanks to everyone who came to the triple book talk of three recent books on machine vision by James Dobson, Jussi Parikka and me, and thanks for excellent questions. Several people have emailed to asked if we recorded it, and yes we did! Here you go! James and Jussi’s books […]
Finally I can share what I’ve been working on! I absolutely loved writing this book, taking the time to dig deep into histories, ideas and theories that I think really help understand how machine vision technologies like facial recognition and image generation are impacting us today. I wanted the book […]
Last night I attended the OpenAI Forum Welcome Reception at OpenAI’s new offices in San Francisco. The Forum is a recently launched initiative from OpenAI that is meant to be “a community designed to unite thoughtful contributors from a diverse array of backgrounds, skill sets, and domain expertise to enable […]
I’m thrilled to announce another publication from our European Research Council (ERC)-funded research project on Machine Vision: Gabriele de Setaand Anya Shchetvina‘s paper analysing how Chinese AI companies visually present machine vision technologies. They find that the Chinese machine vision imaginary is global, blue and competitive. De Seta, Gabriele, and Anya Shchetvina. “Imagining Machine […]
Whenever I give talks about ChatGPT and LLMs, whether to ninth graders, businesses or journalists, I meet people who are hungry for information, who really want to understand this new technology. I’ve interpreted this as interest and a need to understand – but yesterday, Eirik Solheim said that every time […]
Matt Whyndham
I’ve been drifting around in a misty mood, as befits the season. It feels like the bottom of the year to me. Someone suggested the Winter Solstice for the DILO project. The should stand up and take the credit, but they don’t feel like celebrating.
I lunched with my love, gorgeous wine and cheese and cold meats and homemade bread. We shared a kiss at solstice. Then I went and got my ass kicked by the rest of the day.
Counting the days until the sun reappears. 26. Also making hideously fatty, unhealthy but insanely tasty traditional foods (sylte, rull, postei, sursild) for those endless christmas breakfasts.
In Vard??, a few friends are celebrating the solstice with a bath in the ocean. I admire that.
But Lars, the photo you posted to your blog shows sort of sun. Or is that sunrise and sunset rolled into one? And it’s taken at noon. I guess that means it’s dark before and after?
The photo makes it look good, anyway!
One day I really will go North and experience winter. And I promised my daughter one day we’ll go see the Aurora Borealis. And I want to see midnight sun one day, too. Two separate trips I guess. At least.
Exactly, Jill. A sunrise followed by darkness and a sunset preceded by no daylight. Strange and beautiful, the picture does it no justice at all. Look here for some better images of winter lights (including the Aurora Borealis).
And actually, the midnight sun is really just the regular sun, staying up late 😉
Oh, and you’re always welcome if you fancy a stay in the Arctic, of course. Look for the red house and white fence opposite Gunnar’s groceries. There’s a big boat in the garden, you can’t miss it.
I really will come and visit one day. I promise. Though, uh, I know I’ve been saying that for almost a decade, now…