Month: May 2005

discussing the maybes

We’ve determined the clear accepts and the clear rejects, and are going through the thirty or so maybes. Everyone read a few extra papers last night and this morning and after lunch today, so each paper is fairly represented, in addition to […]

strawberries in the breaks

We’ve discussed about 50-60 papers, now, I think, and I’m getting tired! The Mozart balls (yummy chocolate!) and the conversations in the breaks are revitalising. I just got to hear about all the new things going into George Landow’s Hypertext 3.0 — […]


I’m going to Salzburg today, to the program committee meeting for ACM’s Hypertext ’05. Hypertext ’98 was the first conference I ever went to. It was my first time in the US and my first long journey absolutely all alone, knowing nobody. […]

a time to worry

“Research has proven that people who use a worry time find themselves worrying 35 percent less of the time within four weeks.” Don’t ya love the certainty of percentages and the unspecified “research”? So, the idea is that if you make an […]

Rex et inspirator

This made me smile: A brand new monument between the university library and the student offices celebrates His Majesty The Hedgehog, high protector of the student union. Cute hedgehog, don’t you think? I wonder whether he self-anoints.

non-committal reading

While the idea of serial, all-encompassing blog fiction fascinates me, it’s the tiny drops that have me coming back again and again. Like Oblivio’s find of an unsent email to a girlfriend several years ago. It’s likely to be fiction. It’s not […]

predatory linking

Profgrrrl (who yes, writes pseudonymously) has a really interesting post about blogging about personal things and the risk involved and what we get out of blogging openly like this rather than in a closed, friends-only LiveJournal community where new members would not […]

inscribe yourself in either space

I have dozens of drafted posts that I didn’t post when I wrote them. Either I got distracted and didn’t finish them, or I was embarrassed to have been blogging so much and thought I’d save a post or two, or I […]

i’m not blogging this

I’m not going to write this post. It’s one of those posts that cannot be written, full of things that people shouldn’t hear. Not mean things or bad things, no, not really, just uncertainties and anxieties and exhaustion and anger. Nothing that […]

seeing further than the tip of your nose is very difficult

There’s an absurd article in Dagbladet today, about how bloggers are trying to learn some of the techniques journalists already know so as not to be seen as second rate journalists, which of course is how bloggers are usually seen. By journalists, […]