Month: September 2004


Ooh. This is the sort of thing I enjoy doing in daydreams 🙂

embarrassing searches

I’m not going to get away from it, realistically, am I? Amazon gives you a discount if you use their A9 search engine – which disconcertingly remembers not just my name, but also a couple of slightly embarrassing searches I did in […]

writing, cooking, thinking

I’m off to AoIR on Sunday. Today I’m frantically writing my paper, which is supposed to be uploaded before the conference starts for website archival. This is definitely a Good Thing, and definitely good for getting me well started on really writing […]


I had fun in class today. It’s such luxury having a small group of active, engaged, smart students! And I love that they write each single week. It makes good discussions flow so easily.


My piece on electronic art in public spaces was published in today. In Norwegian, of course. And it’s about Norwegian art.

digital, social, literary conference!!

You’re going to want to be in Bergen on November 10-12 this year. We’re hosting a conference that is going to be such fun: Digital og sosial. Yes, it’s about social technologies, but more importantly, you get to experience social technologies through […]

bitch phd

I’ve already forgotten how I found Bitch PhD, but I love it. It’s written by an anonymous university professor who writes about not having read the reading she assigned her grad students, about taking her son (“pseudonymous kid”) to his first day […]

it’s raining in dublin too

My iPod’s battery only lasts for 40 minutes after each charge now. Luckily it’s only six months old so still covered by guarantee, and so today I had my second experience with Apple’s service telephone. This time one of the guys who […]

writing for games

Noah’s written a useful post showing the development of the writing for the soon-to-be-released game Fable. It’s interesting seeing examples of what bits of dialogue looked like as the writers wrote it, as it was sent back by coders and rewritten by […]


For now she need not think about anybody. She could be herself, by herself. And that was what now she often felt the need of — to think; well, not even to think. To be silent; to be alone. All the being […]