Dagens NÊringsliv has an article about blogs today, with some stuff I talked with the journalist on the phone about, and a huge photo of me hugging my powerbook outside the new coffee shop at the university library. If you happened upon this after reading about blogs, you might want to read this kronikk I wrote for Bergens Tidende a couple of years ago, about how blogs invert traditional power structures, or perhaps you’d like to read this short paper in English about links and power.

the article the article

Dagens NÊringsliv’s journalist is in Oslo, writing the article from his desk, I assume, but when they decided they wanted to use the stuff I said in the article they sent a Bergen photographer to take a photo of me. We have so many photos of men in suits, he said, we like photos of different kinds of people. Mm, would make it more visually interesting, I thought, though I can’t remember what I said. Dagens NÊringsliv is a business newspaper, so the angle for the story was blogs in business. Actually the article’s 90% about other stuff than the rather obvious stuff I said. There’s an interesting conversation with Paal Leveraas, who blogs at leveraas.no and is the founder of digi.no. There’s a good photo of him taken through a doorway, actually, very visually interesting, but they made it quite small and put it on the last page of the article anyway. Ah well, clearly being a young woman makes you stand out as different in many circumstances. Sometimes I suppose that’s an advantage. I think.

The journalist, bless him, had obviously been reading my blog: he started the conversation by telling me about his experiences with Gorenje. He heard a presentation with them a few years ago and wasn’t very impressed. From the sound of you blog readers, though, they’ve improved 😉

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7 thoughts on “velkommen dagens nÊringslivsleser

  1. Scott

    Nice pic, cyber-star 🙂 I especially like the front page one, with you emerging from the darkness.

  2. Gro

    Nice photo, Jill, but the picture I like best is the one from
    the Australian newspaper, when you where lying on your stomach… There
    was a real cyberbabe!

  3. Anonymous

    The fact is that your picture got my attention in a very forcing way. I am interested in blogging, but a nice picture did encourage me to go into details. Thanks.

  4. Jill

    Oh yes, that’s my favourite too! Damn, I can’t find it online anymore. I guess I’ll write to The Age and ask for a copy.

  5. Toril

    Beautiful picture, Jill 🙂 It was nice reading on Saturday after having had a whold
    day washing and polishing “Harmony”, and then the landstedsboat afterwards. I had a
    feeling you would have said a lot more than what the paper said, must feel like beeing
    gagged sometimes, that’s journalists for you!!! Keep blogging, mother blogger!!!

  6. Undercurrent

    It’s official

    The threshold has been passed. The cow has been branded. The… Ok, stop, stop. It’s enough to say that now that VG, maybe the world’s biggest daily newspaper measured in circulation relative to population (350.000 to 4.5 Million), has dubbed…

  7. It’s official « Undercurrent

    […] The threshold has been passed. The cow has been branded. The… Ok, stop, stop. It’s enough to say that now that VG, maybe the world’s biggest daily newspaper measured in circulation relative to population (350.000 to 4.5 Million), has dubbed its new page 3 column “VG-bloggen”, it’s official: It is no longer necessary to explain what a blog is every time we Norwegians write about blogs in non-blogosphere contexts. The launch more or less coincided with the business paper Dagens N?¶ringsliv running a blog magazine piece (see jill for facsimile and summary). In retrospect, however, I’m certain it will look very strange that it took so many years for the Norwegian press to catch up. […]

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