So I uploaded my paper, since the conference has actually started now, but there’s something weird with the links. The URL is correct, but if I click the links (in the sidebar to the right) I get an error message. If I then go to the URL in the address bar and simply click return again to reload it, it works fine. Any ideas as to what on earth is going on?

If you want to look, the URL for the paper is

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8 thoughts on “uploaded my paper on self-portraiture online

  1. Jess`

    I think you’d probably be interested in this post, which I remember mentioning to you in Chicago.

  2. Jill

    Thanks Jess, that’s a great post – what a lot of great examples! Hm. Must save for thinking about later.

  3. Francois Lachance

    You might be interested in knowing that Laura Mulvey
    revisits her “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” essay
    in the 1989 collection _Visual and Other Pleasures_.

    Curious: in which version of the myth is the fate of Narcissus the result of Echo’s revenge? In most versions I have encountered the vengeance is meted out by Aprhodite.

    I was wondering if the ending could be reconfigured less as a contrast between the makeover shows of mass media and the self presentation practices of blogging. In in serial unrolling of varieties of personna do they not operate similarly — I’m thinking of the idological and the imaginary as categories invoked by the Lacanian-Marxist criticism of film theorists such as Mulvey — to produce a certain type of self, one is emmeshed in consumption of consumer goods or in struggle against such consumption. Few grind their own lens or silver their own mirrors or gaze into puddles. Your paper makes me think that seeing oneself is a matter of looking and looking again. Between the looking there is the talking about the self which is eluding the seeing. I wonder if Kaja Silverman’s work on the subject (See _The Subject of Semiotics_) could not be brought to bear on the act of picturing: the picture making subject, the subject pictured and the subject of the picture [Silverman references the speaking subject, the subject spoken about and the subject of speech — if I recall correctly].

    Between mirror as surface and shadow as element projected onto a surface there is the projection.

  4. Francois Lachance

    The mirror stage and its relation to ideology alluded to in your paper on shadows and mirrors and modes of self fashioning got me to thinking about the quality of listening in the psycholanalytic situation. There is the listening _to_, the listening _with_, and the listening _for_. To the person (analysand), with the experience and history of training and fo the salient moment. In some ways such a tripartite division can be explored in the context of blogging and image projection. There is the “to”, the “with” and the “for” of presenting. Audience, means and purpose.

  5. Jill

    Blogging to and blogging with, I get, but what’s blogging _for_?

  6. Francois Lachance

    As the method actor said, “What’s my motivation?” The preposition “to” would cover considerations of audience, the “with” the mode of delivery from hand-rolled HTML through to snazzy content management with stylesheets galore. What for?

    One possible reason: “Blogging is like writing past oneself to one self: there’s in that spacing, a moment for imagination to
    reach reason.” from Thanks for Not Being a Zombie

    In the analytic situation, the psychoanalyst is listening for the moment where speech reveals that which is usually hidden. That is a convoluted way of suggesting that the analyst is on the look out for manifestations of the uncanny. Blogging too could be a practice meant to expose the uncanny by listening to the rustle of significations in the day to day. Doesn’t one blog to be surprised?

  7. Knut

    I enjoyed the paper but find its concluding paragraph troubling. Transforming ourselves into empowered subjects is presumably a good thing; but the other essential feature of digital self-representation is self-objectivication. When we have countless self-representations available we begin consulting these images/texts to find out ìwho we areî ñ rather like constructing after-the-fact childhood memories by flipping through an old photo album. By constantly viewing/reading ourselves in such a mediated form we set off a self-modifying feedback loop; what comes first, the self or the portrait? We even risk becoming ìothersî to ourselves.

    And what happens to those aspects of self that never get representation?

  8. Eirik

    Is this paper removed permanently? I printed and read this.. well in 2005. Now I’d like to check up some things, but it seems to be removed? There’s no link from either..

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