Suw Charman is one of the blog consultants I met at Blogtalk (I hadn’t even realised there was such a job, isn’t it cool? She goes into businesses when their blogging goes bad and helps them out – and other things.) Suw blogs at Strange Attractor with Kevin Anderson, who’s the blogs editor for The Guardian. He recently posted a nice summary of reasons why the standard media discounting of blogs as bad journalism (basically) is silly. Many of you will already know this argument, but if you don’t, go read the rundown. And I like this:
I often say that my network is my filter, and whether it’s on friends’ blogs, via e-mail or via IM, I’m constantly getting a feed of information that is more relevant to my life than the crap that passes for ‘authoratative comment’ – as Simon Kelner Editor of The Independent called it. What a load of self-important tosh.
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Alvaro Ramirez
The link to the article is broken, Jill
Is it? Works for me?
I hate to nitpick, but it’s Charman, not Chapman. But thanks for the link!
Kevin Anderson
Alvaro, that link should work. It might have been that Strange Attractor was having a bit of nap. Our Movable Type installation has its good days and not so good days (well, lots of really bad . Thanks for the link.
BTW, Suw’s last name is Charman, not Chapman. I like the `hard bloggin’ scientist’ badge.
Kevin Anderson
oooppss…hit post in mid-sentence. Meant to write: “Well, lots of really bad hours, and odd, really bad day”. The perils of an interrupt-driven day.
Perils indeed 😉 And I’m so sorry I misspelt your name, Suw, I hate that! can I blame it on interrups?