cover of my book on blogging!I’ve got two more days to finish up the final version of the manuscript for my book Blogging, and it’s going pretty well. And look, the cover is ready! The book is part of a series called Digital Media and Society (the first book in the series is Mark Deuze’s Media Work), and so the books have a uniform sort of look, with the grey, black and white and the rain of zeroes and ones. Andrea, my wonderful editor at Polity, asked whether I had any particular ideas for the cover image, and when I asked Scott he suggested a megaphone, which is what the designer has chosen to use. I think it looks great – I like the semi-see-throughness a lot. And it looks a bit like a steering wheel, which you know, I’m the navigator of my blog, that sort of fits, though I’ve no idea if the designer intended that.

Also it’s my book! Look, there’s my name, right there in the bottom corner! Hooray!

Update: Here’s the Table of Contents.

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8 thoughts on “the cover for my book on blogging is ready!

  1. Tama

    The cover looks great, and the timing of this post seems rather fortuitous! 🙂

    Have a fabulous festive season!

  2. […] December 17th, 2007 | Filed under Events, MA Thesis, Web 2.0 | Today we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the word weblog as coined on December 17, 1997 by Jorn Barger. In another two years we can celebrate the coinage of the word blog but in the meanwhile let’s focus on creating new pathways into the history of blogging. Instead of arguing about definitions and dates we should write more blogging histories as there is no single history of blogs and blogging. Michael Stevenson is working on one, I am working on one and Jill Walker Rettberg is working on her final manuscript of her Blogging book. […]

  3. MC

    Congratulations Jill. Really looking forward to reading it.

  4. Chuck

    Congrats! The cover looks great, and I’m looking forward to reading the book when I can.

  5. Jill Walker Rettberg

    Tama, let it be a testimony to my eager working on the book that I forgot to blog the tenth anniversary of the word blog. How sad of me… Better get back to work – only a few hours left, now!!!

  6. Deena Larsen

    Hi Jill

    CONGRATS on your book!! Hooray 🙂

    I was wondering what you knew or could find out about the site Spock. I joined, innocently thinking it was a network like Facebook, but it seems to be quite sinister. People I don’t know are now linked into my profile and have been flagging information as inappropriate (such as I enjoy hiking, or using a waterfall as a picture for myself). What is the scoop on this thing and am I right to be worried?


  7. […] Also wanted to point out that Jill Walker Rettberg recently blogged the cover of her book on blogging, which is due to be released by Polity Press. […]

  8. […] Blogging provides many references to blogs. Rettberg mentions authors of different fields that are important to contextualize blogging. She mentions names like Walter Ong, Ted Nelson, Vannevar Bush, Doug Engelbart, Geert Lovink, Yochai Benkler, Mark Granovetter and Peter Brooks. She discusses some quotes from them which are relevant to contextualize blogging. She also mentions the popular websites such as Facebook, Flickr, LiveJournal, YouTube, MySpace and Google. In this way she offers the reader a very broad overview of the frame of blogging such as Internet, sociology and communication. Although she provides the reader a broad overview of the field of blogging the book misses real depth. She makes very interesting arguments but doesn‚Äôt elaborate enough on them. With this book she tries to reach a broad audience: people who know nothing about blogs and people who like to know more. For the former she inserts a lot of critical theory. She writes on her blog about this book: ‚ÄúI‚Äôm mostly pretty happy with the book – it‚Äôs going to be awesome!‚Äù I am not as positive about her book as she is but I enjoyed reading it, especially all the examples she mentioned of blogs. […]

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