So, twitter’s advanced search lets you do things like, oh, see all tweets in a 15 mile radius of Bergen, for instance. And if you do that, you might see a tweet from junebre who turns out to be June Breivik, the project manager for digital schools in our area. And who has a blog, with many interesting posts (the video in this one had me roaring with laughter), among others one about Del og bruk, a Ning network that in the course of a few weeks has gathered nearly 500 Norwegian teachers who use the social web in their classrooms. I love web serendipity – and it looks as though Twitter can aid it.
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William Patrick Wend
I love Twitter’s search function. When Google Docs was down last week for a little while I found out what was going on not even by asking my friend list, but by just searching on Twitter. Amazing.
This weekend I installed a Greasemonkey script which adds Twitter search results to Google too.
There’s an error with one of your links in this post, removing some of the text.
Jill Walker Rettberg
Thanks B¯rge, fixed now!
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