Tagcloud of Bards to Blogs draftI really, really, really need to be writing Chapter 2 of my book about blogging, because I’m presenting parts of it on Tuesday and Friday this week. Instead, I made a tag cloud of what I’ve written so far.

That sort of counts as writing, right?

OK. That’s enough. Go and actually do it.

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2 thoughts on “procrastinating

  1. JoseAngel

    Procrastinating is so useful, I do lots of work on projects which do not have an immediate deadline, or begin new ones… and if you manage to shape up and do everything in the last minute, you find you’ve met your deadline and done lots of other things as well. So for some people it’s another name for dynamism and restlessness.

  2. Jill

    Well, yesterday’s post on PayPerPost was in a sense procrastinating – it wasn’t what I’d been planning to do – but then again it’s super-relevant for another chapter in my blog book that I wasn’t planning to write for a while, so it’s definitely useful work…

    But you know, if I’d not written it, maybe I would have finished planning all the presentations I’m giving this week….

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