My Books

research fellowships in Edinburgh

The visiting research fellowships at the University of Edinburgh look rather tempting, although all they actually offer is an office, no funding, and they want you to have you recruit referees to write in confidence to them about you, which is a […]


Tomorrow: finish reading 53 pages of MA thesis-in-progress meeting about thesis gather and send out documents about department to working group sent info, postpone rest till weekend secret thing I should have done fifteen years ago, involving buses to odd places (phew, […]


Wow, look at the Auditur festival: not only sound poetry, they’ve even got digital poetry! It actually collides with Aesthetics of Play, but I’m thinking I might skip most of the opening of the game exhibition (despite the free drinks) and scoot […]

when administration sucks

I just withdrew from a book project I was excited about because there literally aren’t enough hours in the day to write the article they’d asked me to write. Realistically, I should withdraw from at least two other projects, too, but damn […]

DAC program out

The program for Digital Arts and Culture 2005 (Copenhagen, December 2005) is out. Lots of interesting looking papers!

head of department, day 242

Phew. Got the course previews (studieplaner) for next semester all sorted out, I think, and voted through in the department meeting yesterday. I’m becoming proficient, I think. I knew the answers to all sorts of things. “If you label that a compulsory […]

armed dolphins heading your way

This has got to be a hoax, right? Armed dolphins, trained to shoot terrorist divers, have gone AWOL after Katrina. It’s in The Guardian, not The Onion. Possibly I slipped into a parallel universe or something, though.

patterns of questing

So far, the quests I’ve done in World of Warcraft have all been of the following types: Either explore, in one of these ways: Find a person (report to a person, deliver an object to a person, bring me an object from […]

does iTunes have to respect angrefristloven?

It had to happen sooner or later: I got carried away on iTunes and bought a whole album that I thought I used to own on LP, but five minutes later I realised I own it on CD as well and had […]

had it

That’s it. I realise you may have a legitimate reason for writing the word “holdem” in a comment to your blog, but if you do, sorry, that comment’s going to be instantly deleted. I’ve had it with the texas holdem blog comment […]