(helen kennedy and seth giddings) Often been argued that video games are characterised by an aesthetics of control or agency. Mastery assumed to be the dominant (sic.) pleasure.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
(helen kennedy and seth giddings) Often been argued that video games are characterised by an aesthetics of control or agency. Mastery assumed to be the dominant (sic.) pleasure.
This presentation is done by remote in a system called mediasite, which has a rather successful interface, where she has her video in one window, and slides in another window. I guess it’s for distance learning, but works well in front of […]
Why am I in Vietnam?: A Computer Game Case Study Several voices in this presentation: A diary of his playing Conflict Vietnam, his critical analytical voice and the voices of the game developers. How does a game like this come into the […]
Ooh. The game conference just started, and Espen started his lecture by asking how many people have played World of Warcraft. Yay! Now he’s showing a screenshot from a raid with lots of high level characters, and yes, it’s so complicated. “How […]
I wish my trackbacks worked, but at least WordPress tells me when Technorati thinks someone linked to me. Here’s a short short story about a man who considers going ungoogleable. Damn good thing it’s a man, or I’d worry it was about […]
Game Dump, an art game exhibition opens at Landmark here in Bergen tomorrow at 8 pm. One of the games is a “provocative dramatisation” of the theft of Munch’s Scream last year. Oh my, I think they’re showing Escape from Woomera, too, […]
Yesterday I considered deleting my blog and trying to become one of the unGoogleable elite. Of course, with my job, I can’t be ungoogleable. I probably couldn’t remove all trace of my blog from the internet, either, even though I could remove […]
Tonight at 7 First Tuesday’s hosting an evening with free drinks and talks by game developers and technologists titled Creative Industries ñ Gaming, 3D, Videolog & networking. Yeah, right here in Bergen. Goodness. Found thanks to the portal some students at Infomedia […]
My talk for curators at the national museum tomorrow will be based on my introduction to net art in Kunstkritikk (in Norwegian), with some extra links and tidbits too.
I just applied for the job at comparative literature. Yeah, I know, when I mentioned it last night I didn’t really mean to apply, but after sleeping on it and having a chat with a colleague, I decided to do it. I […]