About to catch a taxi to the airport, I saw a familiar face in the lobby of the hotel – the familiar face of a person I’ve never met but knew exactly who was: Clancy! We both had to run about two […]
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
About to catch a taxi to the airport, I saw a familiar face in the lobby of the hotel – the familiar face of a person I’ve never met but knew exactly who was: Clancy! We both had to run about two […]
Ran out after Kate Hayles and dashed into another panel on artificial intelligence and chatbots, which is turning out to be really good.
OK; I’ll try and blog at least one talk. Kate Hayles “The Storyteller, the INtelligent Machine, and the Manager: Complex Somethings of something and data.” (such a long title, and changed from the program, so I didn’t get it all. Hayles has […]
Astonishingly I’ve been struck my the desire to sit and listen and not insta-blog every conference presentation. I am intending to blog our panel last night, but in case I don’t get around to it, it was great! I mean, my presentation […]
I’m in Chicago attending SLSA 2005, the conference of the Society for Literature, Science and the Arts. There’s a whole track devoted to electronic literature, so I’m pretty excited. In a couple of hours I’m talking in a panel about distributed narration, […]
I’m often amused to hear how interviewees experienced their encounters with journalists. Here’s one from a person who’s moved back to New Orleans and whose art program for at-risk youths is doing just fine – unfortunately that’s really not what the journalist […]
The other day I spent an hour with a Ukrainian. I think. He didn’t respond when I talked to him (in character as my dwarven warrior) but when I waved goodbye and was promptly attacked by three giant spiders simultaneously he helped […]
A great advantage of pseudonymous academic blogs is honest talk about the teacher-student relationship and pedagogy that works with real students. Dr Crazy’s been writing about her pragmatic rather than pedagogically idealised teaching lately, and today there’s a very specific post at […]
Hey, I’m on the jury of Gullbloggen, Dagbladet’s blog competition. You can nominate Norwegian blogs (written in Norwegian or English) until November 2, and then the jury – Bente Kalsnes, Olav Anders and me, will select three in each category, leaving the […]
Olav Anders ÿvreb¯ writes about a recently announced new Norwegian search engine, Sesam, which will apparently do a kind of google news service where it pays news sources users click through to, and which will connect a lot of publically available information […]