My Books

blog reader statistics for Norway

7% of Norwegians read blogs daily, and 840,000 read blogs at least once a week, according to a survey by Mandag morgen, writes Dagbladet. There are about 4.6 million people in Norway, so about 18% of the population (infants and the elderly […]

integrating chat clients

OK, so everyone in Norway who doesn’t own a Mac uses MSN Messenger, not AIM or iChat. I clearly need both. And Skype. All running at once – or, if I can follow this rather complicated-looking explanation of how to integrate them, […]

off to Steamwheedle Faire

I spent the afternoon at the Steamwheedle Faire, a big role-playing event on our World of Warcraft server that I’d really been looking forward too. I’d got a dress for my troll warrior, to make her look festive rather than warlike, since […]

talks this week on electronic literature

Yesterday Scott Rettberg spoke to our webdesign and web aesthetics students yesterday about electronic literature. Here’s a photo and links to the works he discussed. I was particularly happy about how wonderfully the students participated in the discussion, even in English. We […]

second person (and my first ever publication on WoW)

The table of contents for the Second Person anthology is out – I have a short piece on quests and narratives in World of Warcraft. There are lots of other interesting looking chapters too, I’m looking forward to getting my hands on […]

censorship of research

Recently, two articles by teams from the University of Bergen were accepted by prominent US journals and then turned down because, the publishers said, “we cannot publish your paper because the United States government restricts publishers from publishing papers that have an […]

happy women’s day!

Not only Lauritz Meltzer’s birthday, it’s also womens’ day! The UN Secretary-General notes women are better represented in governments than ever before: “There are now 11 women Heads of State or Government, in countries on every continent. And three countries ñ Chile, […]

preparing for dinner

Tonight is the night of the Meltzer Dinner, where the prize will be officially announced. It’s Lauritz Meltzer‘s birthday today, you see, and he not only left his considerable fortune to the Meltzer Foundation, which is able to give out well over […]

responses to not doing student blogging

I love to read and struggle to read Zero Seconde, which is a blog about blogging and research and things that really interest me and that’s written in beautiful French. I can read French, but slowly and with an understanding that is […]