My Books

would you be a warlord or a field marshal?

Esther recently finished her PhD on first world war popular culture, and now, among other pursuits, she’s turned her attention to World of Warcraft and its constructions of war and conflict. Recently she’s written about the symbolism of the Horde’s Zeppelins versus […]

new career goal

T. L. Taylor raided Molten Core while in flight. Dude!!! Like Linn, I’m eagerly awaiting her new book on Everquest. My copy is probably mid-Atlantic right now. Presumably not raiding Molten Core. Oh I so totally want to raid Molten Core in […]


I wandered into the stacks and leafed through old issues of Norsk litterÊr Ârbok, the annual of Norwegian literature, which has bibliographies of every article published in Norwegian that is about “literature”. The categories of literature discussed end by mentioning “trivial literature” […]

writing while listening

I’m in the lovely new university library coffee shop, upgrading WordPress and finishing a review I’m writing of Gisle Hannemyr’s Hva er Internett? You want the review? Here it is in (very) brief: Great book! If I’d known about it in November […]

“plz marri mi”

I just had my first World of Warcraft marriage proposal. It was utterly un-charming – I was in Warsong Gulch, a battleground where ten Horde players battle ten Alliance players, each time attempting to capture the other team’s flag. It’s a fast-paced […]

blog conferences

I heard a lot of very good things about the BlogHer conference in California last year – well, not only is there another BlogHer coming up (July 29-30), Swedish women bloggers are also planning a women’s blogger conference in Sweden! I’m feeling […]

motherhood is eternal guilt

I’m off to a faculty meeting at Voss tomorrow, where all the heads of department and vice heads and pro-deans and contra-deans and office managers and whatever we all are are going to discuss things like reorganisation, success criteria for cross-disciplinary research […]

take the f-train

I love Hanne-Lovise Skarstein’s interactive documentary from the F-train in New York. Hanne-Lovise has been working on interactive documentaries here in Bergen for a few years now, but moved to Brooklyn last year. Take the F-train is a beautiful little documentary which […]

blog reader statistics for Norway

7% of Norwegians read blogs daily, and 840,000 read blogs at least once a week, according to a survey by Mandag morgen, writes Dagbladet. There are about 4.6 million people in Norway, so about 18% of the population (infants and the elderly […]