My Books


I don’t usually like memes, you know, those things where someone in a blog answers sixty questions and tags other people to answer the same questions. I quite enjoyed the pseudonymous bloggers post photos of their eyes meme the other day though, […]

news reports from azeroth

Today’s May 1st, and instead of using the holiday to walk in processions waving banners that literary critics should get paid more and have better copyright protection, as emails from the union suggested, or joining the researcher’s union in the parades (do […]

assignments to help students learn how to blog

In my talk on Network Literacy last week, I said that many students won’t know what to write in that empty white box they see when they log on to or whatever system they’re supposed to be blogging on. To learn […]

blogs i’d like that i don’t already know about

Remember how Blogdex used to tell you which blogs you might like that you didn’t already link to, based on the blogs that you did link to? Well, Blogdex seems to have last been updated in 2004, and Technorati‘s completely taken over […]

macbook noise

I got a new MacBook! Hooray!! But it makes this noise. Sort of a high-pitched hissy whiny noise. Not very loud, but loud enough that it’s annoying in a quiet room. So I google “macbook noise” and find a blog post at […]


But the larger point here is that education is coercion, that most students would rather be working and getting paid for it, or be with their families, or getting high, or eating pizza, or doing laundry, or fucking, or fishing, or whatever […]

blogs as safe spaces

Back when blogs were new Tom Matrullo called blogs loci amoeni: safe, idyllic, enclosed gardens where heros of literature would recover and wax lyrical. Today a post at New Game Plus reminded me of this: I didnít realize until reading this that […]

loves and hates

A couple of years ago, the Iberian slugs appeared, crawling slimily into our gardens. Murder slugs, brown slugs, Iberian slugs; they have many names. Nothing will stop them. In Iberia they might have had a place in the ecosystem, but in Norway […]


Oh dear. I think I just deleted some genuine comments by mistake when I was doing my daily de-spamming. Sorry… I really must get a better spam filter installed. The default in WordPress isn’t good enough – it needs me to go […]

Network Literacy: Learning with Blogging and Web 2.0

My keynote in Hawaii this evening (I can’t help say that, I mean, really it’s online, but the server’s in Hawaii and I’d love to be there too…) is about learning, blogging and web 2.0. I’m going to start by showing a […]