My Books

T.L. Taylor: Reconsidering Emergence

T.L. Taylor’s talking about “Reconsidering Emergence” here at the dirn workshop at HUMlab, and it’s being streamed, so if you want to follow my live blogging and watch the video stream, you can. This post’ll be updated as I go. Oh, and […]

further north

I’m going back to Ume in a couple of days, and this time I’m hoping for that Northern summer feeling. Oh, I suppose we have that here in Bergen too, but I’m used to Bergen, you know, and UmeÂ’s even further north. […]

president of iran blogs

I wrote yesterday about how blogs are becoming mainstream, and in a comment to that post, Trond reminded me that the president of Iran now blogs at Despite initial discussions of the blogs veracity (Boing Boing: “Either the presidential blog is […]


Orientations are in an hour and fifteen minutes, and I still have to finalise my syllabus (semesterplan). Oh, it’s fine, it has been for weeks, but I’d like it to be prettier, and more informative, and better, and nicely laid out and […]

cockroaches no longer

Way back when, Henry Jenkins didn’t have a weblog, which Torill and I used as an example of the way the web can invert some power relationships – with no weblog, the influential MIT professor of media and popular culture had no […]


Oy. Start of semester. Suddenly, summer is over (though not the weather, luckily) and there are a zillion things to do. My to do list is a folded sheet of paper four days deep. Switch gears!

the prehistory of blogs

I’m currently writing about the prehistory of blogs, and Nicholas Lemann’s article in the New Yorker last week (see also Steven Johnson’s reminder about the non has a summary of how pamphleteers a couple of centuries ago in many ways mirror blogs […]

postage oddities

Why does it cost less to mail a letter from the USA to Norway ($0.82 or 5,12 kr) than it costs to mail a letter from Bergen to Oslo (6,50 kr or $1.03)? For those prices, you can even put more in […]


Ooooh! I went through my inbox at the office and I’m getting a whole YEAR’S sabbatical from July 2007 through June 2008! Isn’t that totally awesome? I applied for a full year, and of course I deserve it, but I honestly only […]

your blog is google!

While clearing the comments my spam filter thought I should moderate personally after my break, I found a dozen or so with the following sentence, followed of course by the obligatory links to poker sites: webmaster,your blog is google ! Is this […]