Classic comment from the actor who played Bree in the lonelygirl15: “I didn’t realize how big the Internet really was.”
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Classic comment from the actor who played Bree in the lonelygirl15: “I didn’t realize how big the Internet really was.”
Ooh, a new lonelygirl15 video! I’m so glad they’re still posting them, despite the videos being revealed as fiction. Unfortunately the comments are extremely mean-spirited, as Jane pointed out yesterday. I wish I had twenty or so people who could code each […]
Back in April, the city of Bergen gave Google high resolution aeroplane photos of the Bergen region – until this week, you see, Google Earth’s resolution for Bergen was depressing. At the closest clear zoom, my half hour walk to work showed […]
Not only did they find the stolen Munch paintings a couple of weeks back, Silence Variations, the two-player art game where you can steal the paintings yourself, is now documented and downloadable online, for you to play with or tweak. You need […]
Heh. Here’s a very, very excited college student who just had her first communications studies lecture and is literally jumping up and down with joy because – 35% of the grade is for blogging! And she’s a blogger! I sure hope her […]
The special issue of Games and Culture on World of Warcraft is out! Essays by Tanya Krzywinska (on mythology, quests and backstories), T.L. Taylor (this, I think, is more or less the research she talked about at UmeÂ), two by the PlayOn […]
[Update: You might also be interested in my posts on lonelygirl15 (Sept 5) and why they get upset about fictions (Sept 12)] The New York Times has an article this morning detailing the creation of lonelygirl15, complete with photos of Jessica Rose, […]
[Update: You might also be interested in my posts on lonelygirl15 (Sept 5) and lonelygirl15 – commodification of a social space? (Sept 13)] So I’m right into this Lonelygirl15 stuff now. As with Online Caroline, people are really upset and angry once […]
The Wikipedia cites Brian Flemming’s arguments as to why LonelyGirl15 is fake and twice stressed that a cute young girl liking a computer geek is “exactly the kind of thing that the young male YouTube demographic would fantasize about.” Ahem. YouTube has […]
A student wants to do his bachelor thesis on Web 2.0 and social software, so I’m looking for literature to recommend to him. He should, obviously, read Granovetter (here are my old notes from a talk Terje Rasmussen gave about this), and […]