My Books

blogtalk: danah boyd on social software

Social software defined as only new things, largely because of a few events – one on social software, then consolidated when E-tech set down a separate group for social software. Left out listserves, email, MOOs, and the many other kinds of pre […]

george bush puppet

Scott showed me George Bush “singing” U2’s anti-war song “Sunday, Bloody Sunday” – go have a look, it’s brilliant. Now I want a database of tiny videoclips of Bush, cut into word-by-word sections and catalogued so that I can type in a […]

unethical journalism?

Back in August, Torill was having trouble with her voicebox and wrote a post about her worries that she might lose her voice, finishing with this paragraph: Yes, I am scared today. Scared enough that I am deeply unhappy about the male […]

flow of writing

I’ve found the flow of writing! Not perfectly, but I know what I’m doing and where I’m going, and today when I switched from the chapter on the prehistory of blogs to sketching my article for the WoW anthology I was actually […]

“death of the author” first published in a BOX

I can barely believe, that in all those years of studying literature and literary theory, no professor and none of those anthologies of literary theory mentioned the rather startling fact that Barthes’ “Death of the Author”, which was obligatory on the curriculum […]

living a life where every thing you do is up for interpretation

Torill usefully connects my dislike of MyBlogLog’s use of my personal information on third party websites to the recent uproar over Facebooks unilateral change of their displays of personal information, or fittingly, information about connections between people. Dennis Jerz quotes Wired: But […]

we antispammed blogspot and typepad!!!

So you know how some of you have had trouble with getting 500 Internal Server errors when you post comments? I’ve had the same trouble sometimes when posting – and when I’ve done so the problem has always been solved when I […]

flickr pics as business cards

I just ordered a pack of free Flickr business cards – business cards, obviously, need some updating, and these guys reckon one way is for them to have individualised photos on the front, and the Flickr logo and up to six lines […]

masters defence today

One of my advisees is defending his MA thesis today. I hadn’t realised, before becoming an advisor myself, that advisors get a bit nervous about this too. At our university the advisor is always in the three person committee that discusses and […]