My Books


I really, really, really need to be writing Chapter 2 of my book about blogging, because I’m presenting parts of it on Tuesday and Friday this week. Instead, I made a tag cloud of what I’ve written so far. That sort of […]

video of transformation from ordinary to billboard beauty

A swift video showing a woman’s transformation to divine billboard queen using makeup and Photoshop. I’m definitely showing this video to my daughter. (And yes, it’s for the Dove “real beauty” campaign, which I appreciate although I for some reason have never […]

PayPerPost: a sneakier kind of blog advertising

It turns out there are plenty of sites like Creamaid, which I wrote about the other day, out there. PayPerPost is one of the biggest, so I signed up to see what it’s like. And um, also because one of the featured […]

the difference between remixing and plagiarism?

Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different from […]

another way of making money blogging

Good heavens. McDonaldsA new viral marketing company will pay you $10 to take a photo at McDonalds and blog your experience. I suppose at least when you blog it it’s kind of obvious what you’re doing, you get a big fat widget […]

freedom of movement

In many ways I preferred blogging as an outsider, as a lowly PhD student with no established position other than that of the outsider: a young woman in a small country on the outskirts of a continent with odd interests. Blogging as […]

going to be teaching with blogs again

OK, we’ll be blogging in the IKT og lÊring or ICT and learning segment I’m teaching. How could we not? We start today, and this time we’ll be using‘s hosted blogs, rather than Blogspot – that way I’ll get the ease […]

grading efficiency

I think I might pinch Dr Crazy’s strategy for grading essays – she uses a checklist as a front page where she checks off things like “Paper offers adequate context (historical, theoretical, and/or critical) for the claims that it makes about the […]

links that don’t condone the recipient

Does anyone remember that thing a year or two ago where bloggers invented a sort of “negative link”, so that you could link to a site you depised, like, but put a little notice in the link telling Google that the […]