My Books

the novelty of blogs is wearing off?

For the second semester running, I have not succeeded in getting my students enthused about blogging. Let’s be frank: most of them hate it, only a very few of them actually post assignments on time and only the guy who already was […]


Oh I so want to go skiing! I want to learn snowboarding! And go downhill and cross-country and everything skiing! Next week is the school winter holidays and everyone is going to their mountain cabin. Me, I’ll be stuck in Bergen writing […]

how the web uses politics and how politicians use the web

Lisbeth links to a wonderful blog, techPresident – this is a group blog monitoring how US presidential candidates are using blogs, social software sites and other web 2.0 things in their campaigns, and how bloggers and other web users and sites and […]

literature suggestion for norwegians interested in blogs and journalism

Norwegian-speakers who are interested in the question of how blogging relates to journalism (such as those of my students who have chosen the “Are blogs journalism?” assignment) would do well to look at Olav Anders ÿvreb¯s report on this matter: ÿvreb¯, Olav […]

identity as narrative

Reading Charlotte H‰gstrˆm’s chapter for our World of Warcraft anthology, I found this quote: A person’s identity is not to be found in behavious. Nor – important though this is – in the reactions of othersm but in the capacity to keep […]

how much should a teacher do?

Today my students are bringing three copies of their first drafts to class for a first round of peer feedback and feedback from me. I just received an email from one student who wrote that his/her printer was out of paper and […]

want to be president? get facebook

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. But it does look a little bizarre: John Edwards, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton – they all have Facebook profiles. Now Hillary and Barack barely really have anything on their profiles except for who supports them – […]

class feb 15: blogs and journalism

The topic for today’s class is blogs and journalism. We already talked a bit about the development of newspapers when we were talking about Habermas and the public sphere. Today we’ll be more specific. Some of the matters we’ll touch: We’ll start […]

future historians of the web

Found at, in a discussion of the sudden disappearance of the trAce archives: In the future, perhaps, when redirects fail and old links have all broken, will we be able to make discoveries in abandoned regions of the web akin to […]

i had a backup!!!

Usually I only think of backups when it’s too late. But today, when I discovered that my Endnote bibliography was corrupted and wouldn’t open, I only fretted for five minutes before remembering that after that wicked water incident I started using Backup […]