My Books

danah boyd: digital handshakes on virtual receiving lines

[Notes from her talk at the Personal Democracy Forum 2007 in New York] A lot of the things that we take for granted in physical publics don’t transfer to the net – for instance, presence. Politicians use physical presence – but online, […]

Thomas Friedman: Politics is Flat II

Thomas Friedman, author of The World Is Flat and columnist for the New York Times. This is a sampler from three new chapters he’s adding to the latest version of the book.

Lee Rainie from Pew Internet Research on the

The number of Americans using the internet for news and information has grown nine- or tenfold in the last ten years. 21 mill. haev used political videos (Feb 2007), 75 million used the internet in connection witht he political campaign of 2004. […]

keynote conversation with eric schmidt from google

They’ve set up a nice little interview thing on stage, with Thomas Friedman from the New York Times and Eric Schmidt from Google sitting across from each other with a little IKEA table between them and a soft Persian carpet underneath them. […]

lawrence lessig’s talk at PDF2007

I didn’t recognise Lawrence Lessig at all when he walked onto stage, although I’ve seen photos of his face many times. He’s young, dressed all in black, and his body language reminds me of my brother-in-law. I don’t know why, but I’d […]

in new york

I just arrived in New York for the Personal Democracy Forum conference tomorrow. I’m staying at Cosmopolitan Hotel, which is very close to the conference, reasonably priced (for New York) and had good reviews on Tripadvisor. My “mini-loft” may take a little […]

links for 2007-05-17

Pass?© at v?¶re online – A trend analyst bureau called predicts that the new cool thing, in the next years, will be NOT being available on Facebook, SMS, blogs, email, etc. (tags: trends offline dansk Danish)

last day of teaching

Today I’m teaching for the very last time before my sabbatical! I still have weeks of administration and report-writing and grading to do before the semester’s done, but this is certainly a milestone on the way to my sabbatical. Wow, just imagine, […]