My Books

OpenSocial: each new site already knows who your friends are

Last week, Microsoft bought 1.6% of Facebook for US$240 million, a deal that values the whole of Facebook at 15 billion dollars. This week, Google announced OpenSocial, which, as Read/Write Web explains it, is a “set of common APIs for building social […]

preorder our World of Warcraft reader now!!

OK, so Amazon says it won’t actually be published till May 31, 2008, but you can preorder it now! And honestly, just the glory of seeing our book actually out there – at least virtually – is just so, so satisfying 🙂 […]

celebrations and costumes

Norwegians don’t really celebrate Halloween – well, some kids’ll dress up and try trick or treating but only about 20% of the houses they’ll visit will have realised it’s Halloween and have treats for them. I know this, because for the last […]

how to find out how many facebook users each country has

I’d been wondering how journalists find out how many Facebook users there are in Norway – well, turns out it’s really simple. Log in to Facebook. Wait till you see a Flyer in the left column. Click “Create” underneath it. Down where […]

new nordic citizen journalism site:

Kristine Lowe notes the appearance of a newly launched Nordic citizen journalism site, Given the similarities of the Scandinavian languages (think the difference between a Scottish brogue, a Texan drawl and Cockney and you’ll have the idea: we can all understand […]

libraries say no to Google, yes to Open Archiving of digitized books

Several major libraries have started saying no to Google’s offer to digitize their books for free – so long as the digitized books are not made available to any commercial search engine but Google. Instead, these libraries are going with the Internet […]

RELEVANS conference at Geilo

I’m at Grafill’s Edit 8.0 conference, RELEVANS, which is being held at the lovely Dr. Holms hotel at Geilo this year. Geilo is halfway between Bergen and Oslo, high in the mountains, and the train trip here set the atmosphere with its […]

remix the weather at

I’ve been enjoyed the new weather forecasting website for Norway, Yr means light rain, but in a positive sense: it’s pleasurable, not like drizzle. Yr is also a word for being excited, maybe a little horny, but not in an exclusively […]

men with feminist partners report greater sexual satisfaction

I knew it all along, of course, but thought I might as well broadcast it: They found that having a feminist partner was linked to healthier heterosexual relationships for women. Men with feminist partners also reported both more stable relationships and greater […]

making choices

Read Dr. Crazy’s take on making sensible choices rather than letting life just “happen” to you: As I look at my students, I often think I’d have been better off to let my life “happen” to me. Why? Because you can get […]