My Books

83.5% of 16-19-year-old Norwegians are on Facebook.

There are 244,387 Norwegians between the ages of 16 and 19. There are 204,060 Norwegians between the ages of 16 and 19 on Facebook. That means that 83.5% of Norwegians between the ages of 16 and 19 are on Facebook. I wonder […]

special issue of JMCM on social network sites

If you’re interested in social network sites like Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and the like, you’ll want to have a look at the special issue of the Journal of Computer Mediated Communication that just came out, edited by danah boyd and Nicole Ellison. […]

it’s not new media, it’s a new relationship

Great quote from Jeff Jarvis, via Kristine Lowe: They think this is ‘new media.’ And they think thatís something they need to try. (I would have hoped theyíd have come to that conclusion about 12 years ago.) Of course, itís not just […]

how gibson’s blog influenced his novel

I’m still waiting to read William Gibson’s latest novel, Spook Country – but Martin’s read it and more than that, has wandered around through Gibson’s blog and discovered that the posts on it from October 2004, pointing to stories of things happening […]

upcoming conferences

GrandTextAuto has a useful list of some interesting conferences coming up with CFP deadlines very soon.

guest lecture at the business school

Tomorrow I’m guest lecturing at NHH in Ingeborg Kleppe’s class Exploring Online Consumer Communities. I’m gong to talk about corporate blogging in general, and about the ethics of commerical blogging. Students will have their laptops, and as it’s a three-hour class there’ll […]

what i told sixth and seventh graders about evaluating web sources

Here’s what I talked about with the sixth and seventh graders at our local primary school about kildekritikk or critically evaluating web sources. It’s in Norwegian, of course. As an aside, the teacher mentioned that sometimes the whole school is blocked from […]

campaigning by centralised emails or letting grassroot bloggers dominate?

Ron Paul, a Republican candidate for US president, made $4.3 million from a fundraising campaign organised bottom up through blogs and social networks. While the metrics of political fundraising don’t translate into most European politics (in Norway, for instance, political television advertising […]

how do you teach kids how to evaluate sources online

My daughter’s class have been doing a geography project on Europe and as part of the project work, were asked to find information about different countries on the Wikipedia. Of course, I cornered my eleven-year-old daughter: “Do you know who writes the […]